...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

90 days

S left for timbuk2 today.
We woke up early and had breakfast for 3 @ Beth's Cafe this morning. Driving past Greenlake at the crack of dawn felt odd to say the least. But it worked, saying goodbye while still comatose did make things easier.

I was fascinated with Mookie for some reason (i still don't like cats) because her world was turning upside down and we couldn't tell her what was going on. "she's used to me leaving" even so - still sucks for her! Her safety / hiding place under the futon - gone. Her father - gone. Her comfy sleeping spot on top of the futon - gone. Her alternate spot on the trunk - gone. Her bookcase - space - eh, maybe gone. but not a kid nonetheless, can't sit her down and make her listen. she'll need to figure things out on her own. she's not getting a heads-up. I kept staring at her throughout the night - i wonder what she's thinking? as she would look around, look at me, look around, look at her father "what's going on? what's happening? where's my safety spot? where's my food? where's my trunk?" =/ i felt bad. don't worry Mookie - it's only 90 days.


Blogger joaners said...

cat will be fine. they're quite independent. they don't have attachments like humans do. cats suck.

12:56 PM


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