...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


i am so late.
i just started getting stuck on youtube earlier this week when i was craving to listen to some gwen and avril. and i started listening to more gwen...and more avril and then watched some justin and found natasha bedingfield and just plain got stuck.
better late than never (as i start avril - girlfriend =))

Monday, February 26, 2007

time 2 right

i haven't written more than 2 lines in awhile.
i sit here in bed, winding down my body and mind.
recently, my sleeping habits have become something to be desired.
in between the neighbors, partying, f'ing and just all of the noise that effects ppl who have keen hearing - i have not been sleeping.
therefore whenever i hear peace and quiet in the apt, i try to grab it. i.e. yesterday afternoon when i could've been out taking pictures.
how is everything - ppl ask.
well, time to pack up again for ca.
if only i had listened to cinco and signed up for rapid rewards, i could've gotten a flight or two for free by now. this coming weekend is Fabros' wedding and also - work. Friday - Tuesday. The following weekend, is my first trip to Vancouver (woohoo!) can't wait! it's either going to be a solo trip for me, wandering, exploring and the excitement of getting lost in Canada or i'm going to torture M w/wandering, exploring and the excitment of getting lost in Canada - with my company. either way - i still can't wait. the following weekend angie is coming up to hang out and party! and the weekend after that i believe the parents may be taking their first trip up since my move.

i feel like it's that time, the time right before the perfect storm.

Friday, February 23, 2007


tomorrow may never come...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


it really is a small world.

thin walls

loud neighbors
no sleep
lease up
need to move

Sunday, February 11, 2007

my one chance

setting: volunteer desk @ library

jo: morning
stranger: yeah i really like this building - are you married?
stranger: are you married (looking at my hand) do you want to get married?
jo:......uh, not today thanks!
stranger: what's your schedule? i'll come visit you.
jo:........uh, no that's ok!
(insert uncomfortable small talk)
segue to guy yelling my name a few feet away standing at a donation box saying he's donating this dime for me...
great - now i'll never get married!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

interested in a group?

i sent out a blanket email a while back at my company to see if anyone wanted to practice shooting at lunch.
by surprise i got responses (plural!)
so i'm attempting to get a group together.
so far there's about 15 ppl on the distribution list including myself.
i've never participated in an interest group.
i've been listed on the seattle-flickr group since i got here and still haven't made it to a photo stroll.
but i'm trying to get this off the ground.
and it's challenging - mostly because i have no idea what it takes.
i've started a flickr group: step 1 - finding a common site to share info and pictures. 5 other members on there so far.
we've designated two days of the week for activities during lunch.
wednesdays are stroll days.
fridays are inside days. reviewing assignments and such.
tomorrow is the first group "activity" however. the other days were strolls and sit downs but tomorrow - one gal is bringing in her portable studio so we can play around w/lighting and such.
but keeping this altogether - man, talk about a challenge. it's interesting though, i'm trying to keep everyone updated, trying to keep info circulating, events going, ppl engaged - it's hard! "i have no idea what i'm doing!" we're starting a wiki (i didn't even know what the wiki was for and now i'm editing!) and scheduling out assignments and such. it's fun. it's hard. but boy, i'm trying...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


"i've broken Seattle!"
i've now attended a dorkbot mtg.
who knew they existed?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


they say you should learn something new every day.
today at 2am i learned that my downstairs neighbors like to have really loud head banger parties until dang near 330am. on a monday night. tuesday morning?...
as a really light sleeper, i didn't miss out on this knowledge for the day. yay - neighbors

Thursday, February 01, 2007

My Dessert Personality Results

Here a re your choices:
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue
4. Vanilla Cake With Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate on Chocolate
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake


CARROT CAKE -- You are a very fun loving person,

Who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People
like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hear ted
Person and a little quirky at times. You have many
Loyal friends.


some would say it's the high caffeine intake yesterday.
some would say it's the stress.
some would say it's my upstairs neighbor who likes to randomly yell out and cuss during the night (being the light sleeper i am...)
i say it's me not knowing what i'm supposed to do now or say tomorrow.