...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

another - 1st gelato!

maybe it's me.
i think i'm assuming on these gigs.
today was another "coffee for the first time!"
we met at the piggy at pike place.
and we walked to a gelato place right nearby (not my fault he fell for the "now when you said coffee you meant gelato right?")
and i noticed as he pulled out his wallet while we were making flavor selections so i wasn't going to bother with "The Grab" and he walked in front of me to the register. and the guy is like "separate or together?" and i let jc make the call and he goes, oh i only have 5 bucks (total was like 6 something), "oh it's cool, i got it!" as i pulled out money. the same money i checked before driving over to make sure i had enough money just in case and didn't need to go to the ATM.

i didn't want to assume. i saw his grab and followed....i thought? but....*shrugging shoulders*

second time in a row....it was the same gelato place too, it would've been even more entertaining if it was the same gelaterista.

we walked around and sat around and talked for a bit, he just arrived from canada. he's nice and not "nice" but...nice. which was a refresher. i felt he was being genuine. agreed upon hanging out again but since i'm leaving for like 1-2 wks, we left it till laterz...and then Target...and now laundry. man, i feel like i just unpacked and i'm packing again!


Blogger joaners said...

yah, bad move. go out for coffee with only $5?? come on! coffee nowadays (b/c of fuckers like starbucks) is expensive!!!! first time meeting - dutch is ok. but damn man, bring more than 5 bucks.

9:16 PM


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