...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

White Powder

I was never one to monitor weather reports or traffic reports.
I've lived in the Bay Area for most of my life. My 4.5 yrs worth of vacation being spent in San Luis Obispo.....but note, I'm still in California. Extreme temperatures aren't in my radar. They never have been. Extreme traffic - eh, I usually just start the cussing when I get there instead of before.

Sunday I looked out the window while we watched "Happiness" (awesome movie!~) and thought - omigod - it's snowing! so....pretty....*sigh. click click click - (that's my camera)*
Then the movie finished and immediately I thought I should go home to ensure I could....well, get there safely in the white pretty powdery pretty snow. Thankful that I only lived about 5 min away.
And I went.

Without another thought I drove into work on Monday.
Working in Renton there's a slight difference in temperature - always cooler.
About 20 min south of downtown Seattle (on I-5).
By about 3pm Monday it started to snow. 'Omigosh - look outside!' so pretty - I thought as I turned back to my keyboard and continued to type. And again, without a thought I went on the treadmill as the clock turned 5pm. Not wanting to jump into traffic. I'll wait it off. As my coworker came into the makeshift gym and mentioned that we were risking it cuz it's still snowing outside......"snowing!?" "yup".......I calculated and got off the treadmill within the next 5 min still undermining the real commute home. But it gets dark by 5pm. And on Monday it was dark and completely deserted by the time I walked out the door into a blanket of white powder. There weren't even any tire tracks, it looked as if no one had ever been there. Even my Sauconys were slipping and sliding. I was all alone in the parking lot as I brushed off the snow on my windshield with a leftover McDonalds napkin from the passenger floormat. I got behind the wheel and started the car. "I think I can I think I can". I hadn't even gone more than a foot or two before the fishtailing started. It takes me about 5 min to get to the freeway and about 30 min door-to-door. Monday took me less than 1.5 hrs. within the first 2 blocks I was about to pull over to the side of the curb and cry. I could not drive. My car would not do anything. *stop. go. stop. go* I wasn't moving more than 2 miles an hr but with every stop I swerved even more. I wasn't driving my car and I wasn't sure how I was going to make it home. 14 miles. I wanted to call my friends or my family. pick me up. I can't do this. I wanted to sleep in my car so I wouldn't have to do this again the next day. But it was me. Only me. I think I can I think I can. It may sound silly but last night was my first time driving in snow and I never want to do it again.

This morning, I looked out the window and saw the snow still on my car but the parking lot ground was clear. 33 degrees. low 18 degrees. I will be fine. But....again, by the time I got to Renton, still covered in snow. still icy. And! and! still deserted.......little did I know, today was *at your own discretion*.....so I didn't have to cuss at my car when I continued to fishtail at the stoplights this morning! Not too thrilled about living up on that hill now. I could've stayed home - safely. dangit.

The next potential snow is tomorrow afternoon. And I'm debating.
commute --> 1.5 hrs w/3 buses (if they're even running). or 30 min scary jo-driving? or just not getting paid.

Omg. this is the bottom of the hill where I used to live. That could've been me!

oh the options are endless.....Seattle and Jo are not equipped for snow. Seattle shuts down. Abandoned cars, stalled buses, traffic into the night. Jo could too. it's definitely prettier - in pictures. or at least stationary. Pretty much anywhere except behind the wheel.

But..........I did it. Monday about 6pm I didn't think I could - but I did it. =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy some chains. For the occasional times when this happens, it will make your life a lot easier.

3:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, congrats on getting through this without an accident. Not so easy your first time through.

1:30 PM


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