...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Saturday, January 06, 2007


i butter my toast now.
for the longest time i would eat it dry. or i would use jam or peanut butter.
i would not butter my toast.
but as i was mixing up my omelette and i took the toast out of the toaster, i reached for the butter and thought how things change.
i drink beer now.
i hated beer before.
but now i have lambic, guiness and hefenweizen in my frig.
i attribute it to gf and s ordering beers and me wanting to try 'em. i can already know that i will like the stella artois if i order it, one called something close to hoegarden or something, guiness and black/tans but kinda open to the ales, ambers not much of a lager person but sometimes.
i like bars more than clubs now. this one is iffy, i might not have just liked the crowd/music last night. but really - people just change.


Blogger joaners said...

whoa, you're a beer drinker now?!?! unbelievable! welcome welcome! i love me some guiness as well. too bad i don't like to indulge too much in drinks with carbonation.... if only i could burp

8:57 AM

Blogger joaners said...

oh, and try buttering your toast and then drizzling a bit of honey on top.... amazing!

8:58 AM


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