...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I scream, you scream, we all scream for....salads?

Thursday night - i ordered my fav salad from CPK - chopped bbq chicken salad - full size.
Full size cuz then you eat half and have the other half for another meal.

Friday morning - I ate the other half for breakfast. Thinking that it would be a short day, I'll just have the hefty breakfast. But then in chopping it up with a coworker we decided to go to lunch.

Friday lunch - we were trying to find a soup place, so I thought of the soup/salad combo I had the other day. so we went there but the other soups they had were clam chowder (don't care for creamy foods) and chicken noodle - which i wasn't feeling. so I ordered the same spinach salad.

Friday night - at the white elephant, i ate regular stuff but then one of the gals brought a bomb spring salad - so i filled up with that too.

Friday drunk munchies - mels, only had a clam chowder and chicken noodle (deja vu?) and so under pressure since I got there late, I ordered a spinach salad? it was still good but then peeps were like - dude, you're obviously not faded if you're ordering a salad!?

Saturday morning - i don't really cook, so usually all i have in my frig is leftovers or odds/ends or nothing. so i looked in my frig a few minutes ago and the only thing in there was the other half of my salad from friday's lunch and a diet soda. hence my breakfast/lunch.

boy i wonder what's on the menu tonight.


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