...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Monday, December 19, 2005


Today I went back to Barnes and Noble and I bought a book.
I bought a couple of books.
One on the history and background of Seattle (yay!).
One for a gift - "What Should I Do with my Life", Po Bronson.
and a doggie book.

The doggie book is "DACHSHUNDS lightweights littermates", Sharon Montrose.

Dachshunds aren't my favorite favorite (sorry Kent) but they are cuties.

I'm trying to save money right now and spend conservatively for xmas presents (sorry guys) even though I've been baking every day. But I still bought this book - for me.

This book was $14.95 not including tax. There's not a lot of reading, it's mostly a picture book.
I'm not exercising my reading skills very strenuously, Sharon pretty much just put the pup's name and weight on the page - and their cute lil faces. It serves minimal purpose.........at face value.

But this book is freakin' amazing. I can open it up to ANY page and it brings a smile to my face. It's like falling in love (i assume) over and over and over again. It's my transient "Happy Book". It's amazing. The bright eyes. The pouty faces. The innocence and the fury warm fuzzy hearts penetrating through the pages to - me. yes me. that's why i bought it. it's a story my friend - i can make up the ending to appease myself. that's the beauty. and that's why it's my Happy Book.



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