...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Sunday, March 19, 2006


This weekend I rediscovered that I can not drink worth anything.
Last night I had: shot of Ciroc, raging kettle, some kind of peach schnapps / vodka shots (2) and a B-52. I can't tell if it was the amount of alcohol, which isn't that much...or the fact that there was kahlua and baileys in the B-52 *bleh* shot, but I hurled up my drunk munchies AND dinner on the drive back. Not even cool. I could not even sip on a drink at the BBQ today *gross*. But I felt SO much better when I woke up this morning! sh!t! But what was even more funny - entertaining is that it was actually "Bollywood Night"! My first time and it was an event. We were approached immediately by "the one guy in the club who refuses to take off the sunglasses". Who out of pure stupidity insists on buying us drinks, without even knowing us?! if there's anything in the world that I've tried to pound into my lil bro's dome, is to NEVER - NEVER waste money on chicks at a bar. I swear to god, you might as well just burn your money away. Because, after we did our polite dances for the free drinks, we excused ourselves to the bathroom and darted straight to the exit. (It was SO much fun.)

Bollywood Night - "DJ’s Anshul and Advent will provide you with the finest International and Bollywood Sounds combined with blends of Hip Hop, House, R&B and Bhangra."

Bollywood: Bollywood is the informal name given to the popular Mumbai-based Hindi language film industry in India.

Bhangra: Today the word Bhangra is more associated with the style of dance pop music. bhangra has been fused with disco, reggae, techno, house, rap, ragga and now jungle

Then to drunk munchies (story of my life).

At drunk munchies in International District, there was this chick who was clearly drunk as heck, all clinging to her man as if she was his second layer of skin. The other couple at the table with them sat awkwardly. She was stumbling for awhile. And I couldn't stop staring at the odd vibe of the table. And the clear embarassement of the boy. But! but! TWO SECONDS later, next thing I know the girl is balling. Balling! Balling to the point where Christine's like, is that her crying, I turn to look and her mouth is wide open and she's practically lying on her man, just balling. "Don't let me have what she had."

Yesterday and today I spent my days in Capitol Hill. Taking coffee breaks in shops. Calling and notating in my car. Highlighting, circling and writing anything and everything. I made some appointments and went to some Open Houses but what I spent a huge portion doing was literally walking my butt around the neighborhood, looking for signs outside of complexes with vacancies and calling on the spot. I picked an area, I just needed to find an opening and what better way to do it than to walk my butt around and make it happen. Still not done. There was always someone coming in after me, with me, leaving before me, and most importantly, someone before me on the waiting list. I don't have one set aside for me yet, I'm just on the lists. I have just a few more to wrap this and a jobbie job up. I was thinking of either Belltown or Capitol Hill. I thought it would be so cool to walk to work (in Belltown) but Capitol Hill just seemed like home. And I would still be near main streets with frequent buses and it wasn't a long ride at all. I could still even walk to Downtown on nice days too.

TV - Today was my second chance to see if I could get on TV!

Today during the showing of "LoverBoy" on Channel 11 from 2-4pm today, the dating service that I volunteer at was featured in between segments. I wasn't around a TV then but was curious to see...and supposedly I was caught answering the phones as well. (cool!) They asked me to come in and help them out with the phones while they did 'a taping' and only found out the specifics afterwards. I thought that was cool. I also never told anyone while I did the phones for the live taping for the PBS segment. I thought that was cool too, I wanted to do that before, before, but not now but before =)

What I learned

What I learned about my first time looking for housing was not to judge a book by it's cover. Pleasantly surprised once inside some of these buildings and the opposite for others.

I learned that picking an apartment isn't just the complex or the unit, it's also the building manager. One of the places, I was waiting outside for the mgr with these two guys. Small talking, the manager, very disorganized and kinda frantic and spastic let us in. She lost her keys and went to look for them, leaving us alone..."I wouldn't trust her as my building manager, living here..."....that's right. She's the "Go-to" person. We weasled our way out fairly quickly but I learned quick the importance of the small talk I had enjoyed with the prior managers and realized, I'm not just finding a nice place.

I also learned that everyone in Washington wants to work at Microsoft and use it as some kind of hierarchy or level of status. that's all we need another means to segregate others in or out...


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