...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

SF vs. Seattle

1.) tons of people are not really from here.........tons!!!!
2.) there are so many 1-way streets here
3.) downtown they charge for parking by every 20 min. Yesterday I spent $16.00 on parking for an interview.
4.) the weather isn't really that off, I mean I think we avg around like 10-15 degrees less but it's really not by that much.
5.) there are a million different lil neighborhoods with all of their distinct characteristics and i'm still trying to learn all of them. Capitol Hill = Haight....that's all I got so far...Eastside = East Bay...Mercer Island = Treasure Island...
6.) bridges everywhere but they don't charge for toll or anything.
7.) any apts near downtown charge a bundle for parking spaces or they just don't have any

This weekend was the annual ski trip and I missed it. I couldn't afford the plane ticket back yet and I felt like I still had work to do in terms of finding a job and apt before the end of the month. I can't say I didn't think about it while the weekend was passing, here I was getting up at like 7:30am on Saturday(and Sunday!) morning to volunteer at VegFest (I'm not even a vegan or vegetarian!) while others were in Tahoe enjoying each others company. *sigh* Booked my flight for Laurie's bachelorette party for memorial day weekend! woohoo! so amp'd it's going to be a blast! hopefully i can squeeze in an extra day or two in the Bay to visit and comingle over some dirty martinis! Up for another day of schmoozing some employers and volunteering tomorrow! and the monthly required class for volunteering at the shelter. Tonight I went to the first monthly mixer for the dating service I'm volunteering at. My responsibility was to walk around and be seen and sign people up for upcoming classes / events. Since the ratio was like 6:1 guys:girls. the first two guys I went up to (separately), i thought it odd for both of them to have obvious asian fetishes. keep in mind again, the age range was like 45-55 y.o. I walked away with both of them telling me all of their asian knowledge and experience(and a business card that was shoved in my hand) i.e. "my ex-wife was japanese, you know I always could tell the south east asians....." "I'm looking for an asian, chinese or japanese running partner, you know it's so hard to find a chinese or japanese running partner, you know i'm going to japan in a......." after a while (a good 20 min each, these guys had no probs talking) i stopped listening, but you can't be rude when you're representing a company, if it was a club "oh i'm sorry, i need to use the bathroom, excuse me pls." (running out the back room) ...what a snatch...i know...i know...at least you were warned, just keepin' it real =)


Blogger dirtykev said...

Hey Jo! Unless you like 24" of snow being dumped on your head while boarding, or like being indoors on a cold winter day, you didn't miss out on much. But yeah, I haven't read the chick book, "The Dim Sum of All Things," but I've heard girls refer to dudes like that as, "Hoarders of all things Asian." Fuuuunnny.

2:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might already explored the entire city already, but I'll give some of my experiences on previous trips to Seattle.

Seattle in a nut shell has 3 main drinking districts in the downtown area - Pioneer Square, Bell Town, and Pike/Pine on Capitol Hill. Ballard has some good live music venues and bars, but you'll need a car to get there. (15-20 min north)

Pioneer Square is the youngest area - lots of bars and clubs, but mostly mainstream. It's also near the baseball and football stadiums, so you get tons of frat boys, sports fans and suburban adventurers. Although it doesn't reflect this much anymore, this is where the term "skid row" was coined.

Belltown has some cool bars, but I avoid it on the weekends. Lots of hipsters and wanna be hipsters. Although the scene is somewhat varied, you'll see more beautiful people dressed beautifully here than in any of the other areas.

Pike/Pine on Capitol Hill is the best choice, in my opinion. This area is diverse. Most of the bars between Boren and Broadway are on Pike, while east of Broadway, most are on Pine.

You can find "The Stranger" which is similar to sfgate.com.

9:08 PM


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