...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dream Couch

I was just thinking of TYPOs and thought it would be funny if i accidentally typed "Cooch" vs "Couch"....heehehe...

I bought a couch! I LOVE it! I LOVE it! It's my first couch I've ever purchased. It just got delivered yesterday.

On my walk to and from work there is a small antique store that i always pass but never go in. Lots of stuff like an ongoing garage sale. Thursday - to work, I saw it in the window and said - I NEED that couch, I'm going to buy it this weekend. Thursday from work, it was gone. *Dangit* Friday to work - still gone. *Dangit* Friday after work, I went straight in the store, to check it out and the lady asked if I needed help. And I said, oh, you recently had a red couch in your window, and she points out that it's outside on the sidewalk - i said "it is?" and she goes "I hope it's still there!" lol...(Fridays they lay out the bigger furniture on the sidewalk to catch people walking by.....so after deliberating for like 30 min - i bought it. it's not new, it has it's scratches but it's just character - like my other furniture.

I love it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i saw that same couch on the way to northstar. oh wait, i'm mistaking it for the lift that I took to go up the slopes. yes, jo, that couch is definitely you too.

10:51 AM

Blogger dirtykev said...

Forget the scratches, I'll fart on yo couch and give it the character that it needs.

1:51 PM

Blogger joaners said...

i love it! feelings of jealousy stirring inside me...

2:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:55 AM


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