...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Friday, July 21, 2006


Just got back from dinner w/S. I almost didn't make it either. Right before maybe 15 min or so beforehand, my stomach just started getting upset over the salad i ate a few hours before. cold sweating it, aching and the whole deal. but i made it just a bit late and managed to eat some food too. S is very - something. i can't put my finger on it. i feel like we have the same sense of humor. and i didn't see that as a big thing until i started meeting people that didn't have the same sense of humor or manners - that's a good one too. example: he asked beforehand if i wanted him to meet me from my car to walk me to the place since we were meeting in international district at night. or how i waited for him to get in his car when we were ending the night before driving away. (or even....oh what's the right word - here's an example: at the concert the other day, K mentioned about how he's disappointed on the dress of people that go to concerts, how they just wear anything and they're not aware. that was - such - a turnoff. i didn't know what to say so we changed subjects.) we ended up standing outside the restaurant for what seemed like a good 1.5 hrs or so just watching what happens out on the international district streets at night. cop cars pulling up, what sounds like gun shots and kids speeding off in cars. odd.

so what's wrong? well, JC said that he doesn't mind that i see other people. he'll see other people too. so we're hanging out again. that's what's wrong. i feel like it's wrong. it's just - different. but we both get along really well and even if / when it doesn't work out, i want to ensure we can still be friends...for real.


Blogger joaners said...

it's not wrong... but the remaining friends part.. that's tough. sometimes you just gotta let them go...

2:58 PM


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