...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Friday, August 11, 2006


today was awesome. i had an awesome day. it was so awesome i had to txt S just to say i was having an awesome day.
it was my last day at work.
it started off with me finally finding a "Tab Energy Drink" in a store on my way to work. i had been looking in grocery stores and target - everywhere recently. And the cashier told me that the manufacturer had been out of stock for the last month. craziness.
then my replacement treating me to caffeine this morning.

and i purposely told my coworker, i did not want any type of spectical today, i like sneaking out of companies, i don't like attention.
they gave me three envelopes this morning and a HUGE bag of sour candy from Sweet Factory =)
one envelope had a card that my payroll lady made - it was cute. another envelope had a starbucks gift card saying something along the lines of "we thought you might like caffeine" =) and the third was kinda bulky. and i opened it and it had like....30 business cards - all my boss' and in it, it said keep in touch. i thought that was so funny.....
it's always interesting to realize how ppl see you...caffeine and candy, guess they're not too far off now!
then, we got to go to the mall for my favorite chicken salad. and usually when i go to the mall, i like to stop at the candy store but since i already had candy, muna pulled my arm and quickly sped me past the store - saying "no stopping, no candy, sorry it's closed down, they've moved" you had to be there, she's always so serious - it was funny. i felt like i was laughing for the full 30 min it took us to get food. on our way back, there was a cute boy that crossed our paths, and i looked at muna and said, you didn't see him did you? and just as she turned around, he was looking back at her. i - got - her - busted! it was SO funny. and then! and then! we got to leave work early - payroll, accounting and i went for a pedicure at Ummelinas in downtown. it was - SO nice. i LOVE pedicures. love. yes, i always said i don't know if i've loved before but i *heart* pedicures. now, i'm sitting here at chilling - waiting for aileen so we can go and hang out in the U District w/S and Brian. lineup for this weekend, is going to the Tattoo Expo w/my new friend V. and catching brunch (tentatively) w/my new friend C. um...and then going for drunk bowling at The Garage w/GF. And! and! it gets better! the Wu's are coming into town starting Monday! "wuwut!"


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