i'm not ready.
i just got here.
...sometimes - it just doesn't...
"Ha, you are addicted to photos! I think you want your schedule to look like:
7-8 Take pictures of self waking up, eating breakfast, and getting ready for work
8-8:30 Take pictures of self driving to work
8:30-noon Take pictures of self and others working
Noon-1 Take pictures of self and others eating food
1-3:30 Take pictures of self web surfing and generally screwing around
3:30-5 Take pictures of the people you saw outside who were taking pictures
5-6 Take pictures of terrible traffic on the way home
6-7 Take pictures of dinner
7-7:05 Five minute break to just wolf the food down
7:05-7:15 Take pictures of self being upset for not taking pictures for 5 minutes
7:15-9 Take pictures of the updates you’ve make to Flickr
>9 Sleep with camera under pillow, dreaming about photos"
i'm knitting my 2nd scarf!'s a tricky lil f'r" says:
do you ever think things are just not meant to happen?
i ramble when i'm nervous. i didn't know that. i wonder if other ppl noticed and just never told me for sh!ts and giggles. hmph.
why do we feel the need to impress?
i butter my toast now.
what if i were to move tomorrow? what if i called my seattle experience over with. would i be satisified with where i'm at now? would i be content with the places i've discovered and the ppl that i've met since i've moved? have i personally grown in the ways that i wanted to? did i visit the places that i wanted to? would i be happy with packing up my life again?
jan of last year i interviewed for a job in Renton, WA. it was my one trip to solidify jobs/housing in Seattle.
i can't sleep.
So my search was finished before the strike of midnight - sorta kinda.