...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


i'm not ready.
i just got here.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Email of the Day

"Ha, you are addicted to photos! I think you want your schedule to look like:

7-8 Take pictures of self waking up, eating breakfast, and getting ready for work

8-8:30 Take pictures of self driving to work

8:30-noon Take pictures of self and others working

Noon-1 Take pictures of self and others eating food

1-3:30 Take pictures of self web surfing and generally screwing around

3:30-5 Take pictures of the people you saw outside who were taking pictures

5-6 Take pictures of terrible traffic on the way home

6-7 Take pictures of dinner

7-7:05 Five minute break to just wolf the food down

7:05-7:15 Take pictures of self being upset for not taking pictures for 5 minutes

7:15-9 Take pictures of the updates you’ve make to Flickr

>9 Sleep with camera under pillow, dreaming about photos"

Sunday, January 21, 2007

doing what.

i'm knitting my 2nd scarf!
i went to choy suey for the first time last night. tomorrow is open mic night.
i still don't have cable or bunny ears or a microwave and my heater is being dumb.
i'm still volunteering at the library. which was interesting this past weekend - seattle hosted the ALA (American Library Association) Mid-Winter Mtg ---> = a freakin' lot of librarians on my shift.
i'm still reading "Naked".
i am trying to start up a photo-interest group at work. 1st mtg is this coming wk.
i'm trying to cook more.
i'm looking forward to going to LA this coming wknd and Oakland the weekend after.
i'm still *very* addicted to flickr.

Monday, January 15, 2007


...it's a tricky lil f'r"

quote from: Closer

(I've been here almost a yr - i don't know how i feel about that)

Friday, January 12, 2007


Dictionary.com says:

"work ethic

n. A set of values based on the moral virtues of hard work and diligence."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

meant to be

do you ever think things are just not meant to happen?

i forgot to set my alarm for sunday morning. i woke up to see 10:30am staring back at me. i need to be there at 11:30am, i can still do this. *insert 30 min snooze* as i scurried out the door, i just remembered i forgot the address. so i turned my laptop back on and "eye-balled" the location. should take 10 min or less. i shut down my computer and sat up. (crap! what the heck is their name?!) i turned my laptop back on again, T#*$. got it. man, i don't have time to go to the bank, i'll have to cross my fingers this venue i chose on the internet, takes credit/debit cards. then my phone rang. sure i have time to talk daniel! i talked to him all the way down to queen anne, so much so i already forgot the address. *dangit!* so i had daniel look it up on the internet. got there, 15 min late - and it was "CLOSED". ??? i looked it up online.........i think. i scanned the area and did not see 'em staying around. i turned to the employee from next door on his cig break "excuse me, is this dolce vitta - they serve gelato?" "this is the restaurant and they do serve gelato but their other shop is over there but it's closed down". oops.

no, doesn't even stop there. i go straight home to e-mail a sorry. and got their # right away. turns out the address i gave them was for the "closed down gelateria" which was now a BBQ place. that's where they were and then they headed down to the restaurant but left because it's not open on sundays. so we rescheduled for next friday. and right when i hung up the phone, i realized i had my boss' wedding. too embarassed to call back. i txt msg'd and we rescheduled for saturday. "ok!" oops. i have to do my library shift saturday-day, so i txt'd again.

we're not meant to meet.

just like i'm meant to go to this wedding on friday by myself.

i got a wedding invitation beginning of december. and i knew it was a while away so i didn't even look at the RSVP deadline. end of dec, i found a victim to ask to join in the festivities with me. but the RSVP had passed by more than 10 days. so my plan of action was to put the RSVP "+1" on the person's desk and just say sorry it's late!! so i packed the RSVP in my bag of goodies to bring into work and carried it in a bag with a bunch of other papers...papers that i brought to work to SHRED! phooey. so i ended up e-mailing the bride and said that i'm sorry i am late but if it's still possible, wanted to RSVP. i was too embarassed to ask if it was still for "+1"...i'm going stag! woohoo. just not meant to happen.

Monday, January 08, 2007

rambling california clothed eyeballs

i ramble when i'm nervous. i didn't know that. i wonder if other ppl noticed and just never told me for sh!ts and giggles. hmph.

for some unknown reason i've had this growing fear of having papercuts on my eyeballs.

i have *no* idea where it's come from.

i'm going back to oakland! i'm somewhat excited. it really hasn't been that long but in other lights, it really has. it's less than a month away and it's already scheduled to the t. can't wait.

i've never seen so many clothed pets as i have in seattle. is it really that cold? they all have jackets and sweaters. all. ALL!!


i am extended.
my contract is now through 4/07.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


why do we feel the need to impress?
why is it human nature to put on the best on the first impression, whether it's you or not? i know it may seem relevant to tell me about the places you've lived, the tri-atholons you've done and the languages you speak, what you're not afraid of and how you've always been the adventurous one out of the family - all in the same breath. but. let's talk about something other than you. just for a second. let's talk about that kid picking his nose. or the candy that just spilled on the ground next to me. or the way ppl. always seem to talk on their cell phones when they're in line to pay for things. i know that you want to paint your picture and paint it nicely but let's talk about anything else. something else. just for a second.

i don't see it as a meeting to describe what a great person you are. you're not trying to sell yourself. you're there to see if there's a connection. friendship has to start somewhere. and it's mutual. it's not based on how many languages you speak or how many miles you've ridden on your bike. it's about the connections. it's a two-way street.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


i butter my toast now.
for the longest time i would eat it dry. or i would use jam or peanut butter.
i would not butter my toast.
but as i was mixing up my omelette and i took the toast out of the toaster, i reached for the butter and thought how things change.
i drink beer now.
i hated beer before.
but now i have lambic, guiness and hefenweizen in my frig.
i attribute it to gf and s ordering beers and me wanting to try 'em. i can already know that i will like the stella artois if i order it, one called something close to hoegarden or something, guiness and black/tans but kinda open to the ales, ambers not much of a lager person but sometimes.
i like bars more than clubs now. this one is iffy, i might not have just liked the crowd/music last night. but really - people just change.

drunken blogging

what if i were to move tomorrow? what if i called my seattle experience over with. would i be satisified with where i'm at now? would i be content with the places i've discovered and the ppl that i've met since i've moved? have i personally grown in the ways that i wanted to? did i visit the places that i wanted to? would i be happy with packing up my life again?

ppl always say that they hope i find what i'm looking for. (even my mother said that...wtf?!) but am i really looking for anything or am i just looking to reconfirm who i am? maybe i am not restricting myself as much? just a different take on life? the more i hear that "wish" everyone says the more pressure i feel. because i'm not spending my time looking for anything but trying to be more open to really appreciating what's around me.

it hailed today. it rained a bit. and it was really windy. and i did peek a sun at one point. it's looking like snow next week. and it might be an awesome sunny morning. the weather, isn't the suicidal weather associated with seattle but it sure is different. and boy do we really appreciate it when we do see the sun! when i wanted to move here i didn't think i could handle the rain. i never really liked the rain much. and sure it rains here, but it's nowhere near my imagination.
marie said she felt like that moment in sliding doors. and i told her that maybe coincidences aren't really just coincidences and that maybe things happen for a reason. and maybe i need to consider my words.

i don't know which way is up now. i don't know what i'm to do now. yesterday i had no options and now i have too many. i don't know which risk to take. i only know that i can't wait for anything for tomorrow. that i can't wake up tomorrow knowing i put off what i was going to do today. but what if i up and packed up my life again - would i be happy?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

small world

jan of last year i interviewed for a job in Renton, WA. it was my one trip to solidify jobs/housing in Seattle.
i got a sublet that visit.
and a few interviews.
one i told the recruiter the environment wasn't right. perfect job but wrong environment.

...7 months later. i end up contracting 3 floors above them. to understand this you need to know that there's only two companies in that...this building. what a small small world.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007



and it's gone!

i'm going back to the Bay!

maybe that's all I really needed....

(only for a weekend =))


i can't sleep.
i don't know why.

well, i mean i think it's a combination of different unknown and uncontrollable items. and even controllable for that matter.

currently applying for jobs right now.
currently coming to the realization that it's 2007.
currently thinking about how i still don't have a microwave, after almost 8 months.
currently hearing the waterstream hitting my window sill.
currently remembering how i need to study for my volunteer gig before saturday.
currently realizing how i have been overly consumed with flickr'ing lately. (talk about a hobby gone wrong!)
currently vowing touse the gym after work tomorrow.
currently wondering how my interview will go on wednesday.
currently admiring how my coworker really calmed me on friday when i really really needed it.
currently wondering if S is having fun and being safe.
currently wondering what john mayer is saying on my iPod right now ("this is a song about talking to the person you haven't even met yet.............................he's out there. she's out there. they're just learning what to contrast you against")

Monday, January 01, 2007

Nutcracker March Statue - done.

So my search was finished before the strike of midnight - sorta kinda.


On both Saturday and Sunday I woke up early to grab Vivace around noon'ish before my journey. I had my Timbuk2 packed with my camera, a pen (to mark my searches), an extra camera battery and phone. I also printed out the map of the statues on the website:

The "challenge" with the map is that it "estimated the location". i.e. One was clearly located at Pike Place Market.......*scratching head*. If you have gone to Pike Place in between xmas and NYE - you see the problem. Not only do you have no idea where at Pike Place (inside, outside, across the street, downstairs, behind on western or what) it is but you have a bunch of ppl in your way.

Another was sponsored by Macys but the employees I asked, had no clue.

These statues, across the street, a street over, were in buildings, in windows of buildings (I found out the hard way) or outside of buildings or in corners of Post Alley where you'd never look. This scavenger hunt was very rewarding with the exception of the last statue.

Both Saturday and Sunday I wouldn't stop to eat or stop to rest regularly. I think Sunday closer to 3pm'ish I stopped on the waterfront to talk to Cinco for a few minutes, otherwise I was going non-stop. oh! I take that back, Sunday while in Pioneer Square, I stopped to buy my reward. A caramel peanut apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. To be eaten after I finished. I was determined to find all the statues by foot. I wanted to get exercise and get more familiar with Seattle (says the geographically challenged chick). I did that and more considering these statues were in downtown, on the waterfront, in pioneer square, the financial area or seattle center *sigh*. And then walking back up the hill to Cap Hill. My legs felt like they were going into shock. My body was completely foreign to this excertion.

But alas, that last statue. My last stop was Seattle Center. I headed over from the Waterfront yesterday around 4pm'ish. I walked most of the Center, bright-eyed and bushy tailed to get my last two! According to the map, they were together. As I walked in front of McCaw Hall I saw one. And I made at least 3 trips around the area. For the most part, I would not opt to ask ppl. I tried to find these statues by myself. At Macys, I asked at least 7 employees, this showed my desperation. But I finally walked up to a gentleman setting up for some NYE celebration. And he looked at me "Honey, you're a bit late. The Nutcracker is over. There's 1 (pointing to the 1 I already found) right there." "oh thanks! Yeah, according to the map, there's another one around here?" "oh yeah, he was a blue one, they've already taken him away."

wtf!??!?!?!! no!!!!!!!! *sigh* no!!!!! I walked over 10 hrs within 2 days. I got 40 in that time and you're going to tell me that last one. that freakin' last one - is gone!?

I had fun nonetheless. And supposedly there's going to be 100 pigs around Seattle for the Pike Place Market Centennial Celebration this coming summer. ohhhhh man, another scavenger hunt - can't wait!
