...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

"a walking testimonial"

walking 4 miles a day to / from work is making me feel better overall. what makes me feel even better is getting "herb popcorn" for $1.99 on the way home...mmmm...

Monday, April 23, 2007

flickr sighting...

i just had my first flickr sighting of myself *shiver*
i went to 'thread' this weekend and searched - thread, seattle and found me!
odd...so that's how all of those dogs and cats feel when i take their pictures without their consent...


Awesome! I joined the "Seattle Pets" Flickr Group. http://www.flickr.com/groups/seattlepets/
So now, their website, if you refresh the page, the right side has a bunch of pet pictures and mine are included! woohooO!


Friday, April 20, 2007

jones soda

whenever i go into stores, i look at the pictures on the jones soda labels.
and today, while in safeway.
i realized, that when i go into stores, i look at the pictures on the jones soda labels.

Friday, April 13, 2007

woohoo #3!

"You know your dog's lazy when..."

3 more of my pix got picked for the linked article on dogs =)
they're #s: 31, 32, 33 out of 46 pix



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

1.9 miles

that's how far my new job is.
50 minutes including a bagel at whole foods.
that's my morning commute.
and wednesday nights there's a pit stop at my benefits class before trekking home.
i'm spent.
i'm tired.
but i feel like i got ample exercise (my feet are so happy there's no dress code) today - esp w/those hills. all in my commute.
not a dime spent on gas/bus/car wear and tear.
they have inexpensive food at their cafeteria/atrium.
they have a bowling alley.
they have a pool table. a gym. ping pong tables. and beverages. ah the beverage. pop is what they call it up here. not soda. pop. and the set up seriously, reminds me of a movie theater. interesting.
but being in the city. day and night, feels so nice. i love it.

Monday, April 09, 2007


that's the sound of a whole lotta crap getting unloaded off my weak - feeble shoulders.
transitioning jobs and transitioning mindframes. no matter what the transition, there's always a "period". and i feel it. i feel like i am starting to reassess all over again.
my contract ended(kinda) on friday and my new job starts on wednesday. *awkward*
you never can tell what's gonna be thrown at you.
for the last 3 months i had no idea where i would end up living and now i think it's pretty clearcut, well, now i made it clearcut that i will be staying in seattle.
so now i'm starting to apt hunt and regroup. being on hold for 3 months with everything depending on it, is not stress-free. at first it was exciting but towards the end, not so much. so i feel calm now knowing what's going on (well at least a bit more). the new job is with a lot larger organization, it's a 30 min walk and still the no-dress-code casual environment. it'll be challenging which is what i'm looking forward to the most.

today i spent 'spring cleaning' - out with the old right?!
tomorrow i have 1 apt scheduled to view, i also want to scope out the neighborhood i like for more available apts, catch a flick, lounge in a coffee shop, find a spot at the lake, take some good pix and zone out.

next day - new job.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

freddy rodriguez's character in grindhouse: wray

that's confidence.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Re-post - 8.06

5 Ways to Show Affection

(Boy, I am going to butcher this one up.)
The other day S was talking to me about how there are 5 ways people show affection:

1.) Tokens: buying flowers, the candy, the car, the house, blah blah blah
2.) Physical: holding hands, kisses, blah blah blah
3.) Words: i *heart* you
4.) Time: ....time...
5.) Effort: making dinner, picking them up from work, blah blah

And when two people in a relationship, aren't aware of how the other person expresses themselves - that's when the miscommunication occurs.

i.e. I feel like my #1's are: physical and effort. i really enjoy holding hands or waking up next to someone. i really like to do the little things, like watching out to make sure they get inside the car or home or making sure their head doesn't fall through the crack of two pillows. with time and words really close behind. And if I look out for those with my partner but they associate differently, maybe w/tokens, then I'll feel like they don't care. (why doesn't he like to hold my hand? why doesn't he kiss my hand during movies anymore?) he'll reciprocate w/buying me flowers and i will think he doesn't care. that's what you call two completely separate pages.

I never thought of it this way. Looking back at past relationships, it made sense to me.


?dew wee kair

Sunday, April 01, 2007


if it's not my next door neighbors - f'ing, it's my upstairs neighbors f'ing.
if it's not my upstairs neighbors f'ing, it's my downstairs neighbors headbanging to loud a$$ music at freakishly late hours. if it's not my downstairs neighbors headbanging it's my upstairs neighbors fighting. if it's not my upstairs neighbors having a spat it's apparently my upstairs neighbors having a party of some sort on a sunday night stomping on the floors screaming bloody murder.

i can't wait for an answer any more, i've been wanting to leave this apt since i can remember. and with my lease up as of today i really wanted to be settled into a quieter place. it's so convenient being able to walk a block to vivace or to the other vivace two blocks away, walking to pike place or shopping downtown, not having to try to find parking on cap hill or downtown or being able to walk to war room but i'm giving my notice tomorrow and just going to cross my fingers for the next lease.