...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Monday, December 26, 2005

jack russels

one of my neighbors.
he's an older plump, santa claus physique looking man.
he has two jack russels and usually whenever i see him in the lobby, garage or walking around the neighborhood, he's with them.
i could probably count the number of words aside from hello - have a nice day, that i've said to him within my three yrs residing here.
this morning we got into the garage at the same time, driving into our designated spots, we walked towards the lobby entrance together.

JO: hello!

Not JO: morning - happy holidays!

JO: how are the dogs?

Not JO:....oh....well, the little black and white one died a week ago....and the other one, well, she's in the hospital, she has cancer, i'm sorry to tell you the news but thank you for asking....

JO: omg i'm so sorry, one of my old best friends had these two jack russels and i loved 'em to death

Not JO: oh but i really miss the little black and white one....

*as the elevator door opens up*....

Not JO: oh, but you have a happy holidays....

JO: thank you - you too, i'm sorry about doggies....

Not JO: no, no you take care.

*elevator door shuts*

stick a knife in me already will ya.


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