...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Monday, January 02, 2006


She's a six year old diva.
She says the darndest things.
Yesterday we had family dinner over at their house, since they missed xmas.
Some highlights.

At the dessert table, I moved over one seat and said "i'm going to sit next to you 'nora'". and she says, "yay!"she goes into the kitchen and gets milk. She comes back and asks "What milk do you drink?" I respond "soy". what milk do you drink (even though I just watched her)? "Either non-fat or soy, but I like soy. My daddy's allergic. (and then she starts whispering) you know, he farts." *giggling* <--- that wasn't even her, that was me, giggling. you mean he's lactose intolerant? no, he's allergic. "can i ask him?" (he's sitting two seats over, everyone is at the table) "yes, but whisper it."

And then another time, we're sitting on the couch w/my brother. and he's asking me about renting apts and nora turns to me and says "did you tell your parents yet?(re: Seattle)" and i said no. mind you the prior conversation had to have been at least a wk or so ago. she turns to my brother and semi-whispers, you shouldn't talk about it, she didn't tell them (notions to my parents a few feet away) yet.

i bought her, her sister and cousin, all clothes for x-mas. nora opens up her pjs that i bought her and says, i'm going to wear the pajamas you bought me now. and she starts going into her room. can you come with me to put them on? and she parades in them the rest of the night.

she's amazing.


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