...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Calgon take me away!
Tony is a full time job. (plus house sitting - for my coworker.)
So far he's barked more than his bite.
He's pee'd on the curtains and shirts and other mystery places I can't find because he still reeks but I can't find the spots. I think he pee'd on his fur. Sammy says to give him a bath but it's not in the job description. I'm such a sucker. I'm not getting paid for this so I keep taking her bottled aquafinas and telling myself that's indirect compensation for having to wake up at 6am on saturday morning because he won't stop barking to take him downstairs so he'll be quiet. I didn't go out Friday night with Laurie and them so I could stay home and be ignored by tony because he was still getting used to me. I stayed home this morning and yesterday day to be with him so he won't feel alone. I took one of my coworkers diet pepsi's this morning and laughed under my breath "ha! take that! house sit and dog sit for free and call me every day and bug me whether tony is ok - stop bothering me! you're in hawaii already!"


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