...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

up and running.

thanks to my patient and helpful roomie and sammy's phoned-in tech support, i am up and running!

and running i will be. i feel like today and yesterday although spent wandering around the eastside - finding my surroundings, were more like vacation days. i also squeezed in two movies i had been meaning to watch - Saw II and Thumbsucker. Saw II was good but I really liked the first one A LOT! and Thumbsucker, i was trying to watch more movies (esp indies) by myself. now that i have the internet up and connected, i really should be job searching and getting things on board.

my roomie came in with another surprise. the lease is actually up end of march instead of end of april - according to the lovely management letter we received today. which means, i need to get going on heading over to the city. he offered for me to move with him to renton for that month but i was using the benchmark of the lease being up - as my deadline to be 100% settled in the city. so we'll see. just gotta pick up the pace as of now!

having landed on the eastside instead of seattle, i've found to be as a hidden treasure. it'll give me an opportunity to really explore this side of the area, an opportunity i don't think i would fully utilize if i landed right in the city on the first try.

today i went to jamba juice in bellevue. there was a guy cashier and he was talking to the person in front of me as if he was a regular. he even remembered his name, aaron. they were chit chatting in a way you could tell they've come across each other but not outside of j.j. when it was my turn, he was really friendly and while waiting for the receipt to print out asked "how is your day going?" "good - how is yours?" "i'm almost off of work!" "how cool!" as i said my thank you to his coworker, handing me my acai supercharger, i start walking towards the door, "have a good day, jo!" *how cool is that?!*


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