...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Friday, February 17, 2006


Tuesday night, I ended up going to dinner and a bar with G.
We met in the city and I had to go to Nordstrom real quick before dinner. so we got to the make up counter and this girl around our age helped us.

Perfect example of what a small world we live in.
1.) i have never seen the next door neighbor on the left side of me, even though I've lived at my complex for almost 3 yrs.

2.) this makeup girl counter person - she looks at my ID real quick and:

"94610, I live in the same zip code"
"really?! I live by the lake!"
"me too!"
"I live by the theater"
"me too! my cross street is ____ x ____"
"shut the f!ck up!!!!"
*she looks surprised and jumps back slightly*
"I live ON that cross street"
"really? i'm at (insert counter girl's address)
"shut the f!ck up!!! i'm at (insert an address that's right NEXT TO HER)!"
I have to travel to downtown SF to nordstrom's on vday to meet my neighbor! she was so cool too! like i would totally hang out with her. And! I told her that it sucked i was moving on tuesday and i told her i was going to seattle..........and!!! Seattle is her dream city!!!

what a freakin' small world.

Citizen Thai - you have to go there.
I said I wanted to eat in North Beach before I leave and so we parked and ended up at Citizen Thai - so recommendable! (if that's even a word!) our other options were all of the over-priced set v-day menus. but it doesn't take much to feed me so i would've hated to go some place super duper expensive just to eat. so we randomly went and had a fantabulous dinner!

Gelato @ 11pm
What's wrong with that? the guy at the stool next to me at the dive bar had a chilled mandarin absolut and i had strawberry and hazelnut gelato. *yum*

Phone call @ 11pm'ish
T called me back while I was eating my gelato at the dive bar. he left me a msg saying he was sorry about our conversation the other day and wasn't sure when we'd speak again and all this other stuff. so i guess i was wrong about the prior conversation being the last - eh, can't always be right.


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