...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Growing up - not out...

When I was in jr. high I was called a lot of things...some of them kind some of them unkind. If you can recall, jr. high was the period of development and growth, separating girls from bigger girls. I have a terrible memory but I do remember a few things. I remember sitting in Geometry class (which I took twice btw AND in one of them, the teacher taught sex ed and talked about how she masturbated in a science class in college by rocking her stool a certain way) and Sasha walking by and calling me a flat b!tch. I remember sitting in Pre-Calculus (or was it pre-alg?) and talking to Ken and a guy walking by me and stopping to say that I'm going to be fine when I develop. "Beanpole"...yes, for a period I thought that was my nickname. In high school, I remember going to college fraternity parties with a female friend of mine who shall remain nameless (although, obvious) and even though she was a few yrs younger than me, all of the guys thought she was the older gal...and I am going to make a safe assumption in the mind of a college boy - it was probably because her boobs were huge....*shrugging shoulders*...but i'm only assuming...I remember always knowing that I would get "enhancements" when I could pay for it. Whether it was college or on my first job...
I felt like I got jipped.

...but somewhere after...somewhere between then and today. I started appreciating how much easier it was for me to keep good posture. Less backaches. I appreciated that I didn't have to spend as much money on sports/bras. I tried to joke to myself (in very bad taste) that at least it would decrease my chances of breast cancer cuz of the lack of specifically/strategically placed fat cells. =/ (bad joke). I told myself that breast examinations would be quicker. I felt like it was a more efficient way to screen out the boys. Some girls have to worry that guys are only talking to them cuz of their boobies / bodies and I never had the problem...I only got the cream of the crop, the ones that saw past the superficial and took the time to get to know the "noggen"...or so I like to assume (please don't argue this one...I like my assumption =)).

I am not religious but for some reason, I felt like I was created the way I am for a reason. And boobie enhancements, as widespread and as easy as they are - wasn't what I was going for anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still have a pair of those jelly boobies (this is the hypocritical personality trait I wrote about) - I rarely use them cuz they feel weird and I'm afraid of them falling off on the dancefloor. Like, if you ever saw the episode of Will and Grace when Grace wears a water bra to impress this boy at a gallery and it pops while she's there, so her boob isn't dripping H2O it's spraying H2O - that's what I would think would happen. I feel like I would be dancing and then I would be sweating cuz clubs never have good ventiliation and then all of the sudden *plop* - "what's that!?" err.....oops "can you pls. not step on my left boobie" (remember that 'ol imagination of mine!). So...I'm hoping it's safe to say that even though I didn't grow out(but big cheetos/cheezits bellies are still in right?), I grew up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ive seen that episode of will and grace. hilarious.

one of my favorite and smart guy friends once told me: more than a handful=trouble. he was referring to boobies.

xo marie

11:36 PM


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