...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

They said it couldn't be done.

Today was my second day in a row *drum roll*..........exercising!

Yes, yes *patting self on back*...I am on the road to a healthy lifestyle!

The same gal that buys bikram yoga classes and doesn't use them.
The same gal that buys an elliptical machine and doesn't use it.
The same gal that just overall loathes exercising.

I know I can do it. I've done it before...I just usually tend not to.

But I'm not up here to sit on the couch(although I've been told I'm really good at it!), that's for one thing.
So yesterday I got my butt in gear and went to the gym in our complex and it wasn't half bad!

And I picked myself up again today and went for another hr before I ate dinner.
I'm drinking more water, I'm eating more veggies and I feel great!

Well, how can I not, it's only Day #2...(yay!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm proud of you!!!

1:12 AM


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