...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Saturday, February 25, 2006


i have a pix i labeled ".just.jo." so it only seems appropriate i have a blog entry named .just.jo.

i got the name from Will and Grace from "Jack". "Just Jack!!" *flashing both hands next to face as if a picture frame*

i'm afraid of tampons getting stuck "in there". i still use the bathroom with a running faucet. I was broken from the habit for awhile, I don't know what happened to get me back on. My #1 girl draft pick would be gwen stefani. I get road rage a lot. When I get angry I do the "glare". i hate exercising. wine and champagne give me headaches. i've been told i eat based on cravings. i never think it's too early, too late, too cold or too hot to eat something. i like to say poo vs. sh!t. i like to say poot instead of fart. i like to type a lot. i like to type. a - lot. i still like doggie watching. i was in the parking lot of trader joes yesterday and this HUGE doggie was in the passenger seat, patiently waiting for his owner and he started making me smile cuz he looked so cute, looking straight ahead. and then there was this shizu (sp?) being walked while i was driving home and i started laughing cuz of his waddle. i like practicing good posture. i like making cards instead of buying them. i hate cooking. i like pre-funk. i like non-matching clothes. i still sleep fetal position. i like clean teeth. some say i have a "teeth issue". i'm geographically challenged. i was born with no memory and no sense of direction. (geographically challenged and no sense of direction i am in the midst of conquering) i hate cleaning. i've been told i'm frugal yet generous. at my last job for months on end i would eat at the cheap chinese restaurant across the street from my work because it was $3.50 and i was full. yet i think all my money in my early-mid 20's went to rounds at the bar. i never had many work friends because i was always engrossed in my work. my loss.


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