...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

2nd derivative

meeting - getting to know someone over the internet - ads, blogging, etc. is only the second derivative of someone. (yes i know i probably screwed that quote up)

do i want to believe that? no
do i currently believe it? maybe.

i see: whatyoureadiswhoiam.

and i don't want to believe it.

i want to believe that meeting someone on the internet and blogging and reading someone's myspace or friendster ad - is truly them. (why would you fake it? why bother?) just in another outlet. ppl are consumed with work. ppl are consumed with school. with family. with everything and anything. ppl are situated in the boonies. ppl are just wanting to branch out.

but i sat here and i re-read my ads, on various sources and i really wondered if that's me. and if it's not - who am i? i try to say it as it is, but i slip. i try to spill it all, but i hide. i try to stay true because i only want to meet the honest.

but how will you ever really know? i don't know how i'm viewed. i don't know if this blog that according to my title - "doesn't make sense", i don't know if that's me? i want to believe it is but how do you explain the anonymous blogging or the private settings (late in my xanga era) learned to use.

i don't know.
i don't know, right now i only want to believe.


Blogger Fro-Guy said...

Yo, I believe that profiles on things like Friendster and MySpace are samples. Have you ever looked into sampling "theory"? This is a big topic in digital->analog conversion and various other computer pursuits. Applying the math back to the personal, basically we people tend to extrapolate too quickly. Stated differently, those profiles you read are samples of your life. I think most people try to give an accurate representation, but the information level is too low to draw firm conclusions.

Anyway, you had me at "Nothing serious. With the exception of serious friendships and good times". Hmm...I think you phrased that better in a previous profile incarnation. Might be a sampling error though.

Reading time!

10:55 PM

Blogger j0mammma said...

fro-guy: 1.) i can't believe you fell for that sh!t 2.) i thought i had you at "hello"? 3.) =P

emissivitee: glad to be a resource, btw - if vancouver comes by again...."take it! take it! take it!"

7:18 PM

Blogger Fro-Guy said...

I was TOTALLY drunk when I wrote all that. I just came back to figure out if I actually wrote all that stuff or if I dreamed it. Anyway, I strongly believe that people should apply FFT-based signal processing to Match.com profiles.

11:21 PM

Blogger j0mammma said...

i'm drunk and lost - what's FFT based processing??

11:44 PM


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