...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Sunday, April 30, 2006


i'm so excited to see my gals! i just got off the phone with laurie and started talking about memorial day weekend and realized how much i miss them. almost there! Saturday night caught a flic "Hard Candy" w/gf. i was going to see it anyways and he was bored so there you go. very interesting movie, had some hiccups but overall like a 'wtf'?! but it was either that or Kinky Boots...actually, i don't even think i gave him that option, but i still want to see Kinky Boots (SIFF is almost here!!)...oh well. went to happy hr with jenny + husband (his name starts with a "G" too, but too tired to think of another g-combo) at Typhoon on Friday night and then chased it down w/gelato...(wonder whose idea that was?!) i've never met a gelato i didn't like, is what i will always say from now on. i worked a full day saturday but since it was gloomy, i didn't feel like i was missing out on much and got a crapload of things done! surprisingly i wasn't the only person in the office either. this morning, i had seafood brunch buffet at "Saltys" w/gn since he was visiting again this weekend. it was just weird going home early last night cuz i had to wake up early for 9:15am brunch...got a few laughs outta that one, but it was packed at 9:15am in the morning! who would've guessed. i would probably only save that brunch buffet for parents visiting or something since i ended up throwing down more than i estimated for it. went for coffee w/m in fremont today. i like fremont on the weekends, it's great for doggie watching, they have a farmers market (like every other neighborhood) and they have TONS of doggies wandering around everywhere it's great!! but m, he's such a smarta$$, when i went up to him, who i thought was him i go "are you m@#&?" and he's like no, i'm all "are you sure?" he's like no....I turn to walk away and i'm like "are you sure you're not m#*#?" and then i take a step away and he's like - just kidding. "what a smarta$$!" he thought it was funny how i'm like - questioning if he knows who he is - but i was right!! the first time i talked to him on the phone we hit it off right away, it was like talking to sammy or something (hi sammy!). so i thought that was cool, i don't know if i shared with him i'm not looking for anything now though. i think we would make really good friends....but hopefully we're on the same page *crossing fingers* off for another work-filled week. it's still busy-busy but it keeps paying my bills! and i'm still liking it!


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