...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Linner Break

yesterday i met DL for the first time. we went for dinner at cafe amore right next to a glassblowing place in belltown. it was cool, you could actually go into the classes and watch and we sat in the backroom that had windows so you can (purposely) watch the classes. i don't know squat about glassblowing but it was so cool to watch. even just for a bit. he even just came from picking up some prints so i got to check out a fair amount of his work and his photographs just rocked! i really admired his stuff.

right afterwards he had a gig to go and take pix at for a friend and i went to meet JC for drinks. it was kinda cool, dinner/drinks and work were all in the same neighborhood so i got to walk just a few blocks away for all! unfortunately that meant that JC had to drive me home and in his spotless new car. boys and their toys...i tell 'ya! but i had fun though, we went for two drinks and we sat in his car until like before midnight just chopping it up. can't do that with everyone! i appreciate connections.

this whole "filtering" thing that's going on...when you rebuild your immediate social network, it's enjoyable. right now it's enjoyable. it's fun. it's interesting. it's definitely an experience. you meet bad. you meet good. you meet comfortable. you meet uncomfortable. you meet weird. and as long as you're smart and safe - you don't meet the dangerous. right? i don't have the comfort of knowing that "john doe" is a cousin or a friend or a coworker or anyone "track-able". and for right now, it's ok.

i'm sitting in my kitchen, left early from work since i got there early w/o lunch. i'm eating two garlic portabella patties for "Linner" before the ONLY SIFF movie i get to watch this yr. i don't know where the time went! apparently i hear it's animated too (don't know why i let him pick!) =)

i talked to my old boss today, to confirm set up for saturday (at work). i told him i was thinking about quitting my current job and needed his 'advice' and he got excited cuz he thought that meant i was moving back...but no. still here! and i told him it's "not a good fit" like a relationship - just doesn't work. not good for either side. not you. not me. it's just the fit. and i told him that i was unsure cuz "i just don't want to be a quitter" and he said "it's not that you're a quitter, you're just finding yourself now". i'm going to talk to him more saturday but after talking w/our payroll lady too (hearing she's not happy for a lot of the same reasons) i think it is best i quit, my heart isn't there anymore. i can't afford to not be happy here.

yesterday i went to a planned parenthood volunteer orientation. it's taken me forever in a day to get in on one. i admire them. i hate history usually but that 2.5 hr orientation really made me want to be passionate - about something. i would love to work there...for right now, volunteering will need to suffice.


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