...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Yesterday - was a goooood freakin' day!

Yesterday I asked my coworker to come grab lunch with me and I was a couple bucks short and so he paid for it and only took $2.00 to cover the rest - *sweet!*

Yesterday after I ate lunch (i'm right across from the kitchen) our receptionist comes by with extra lunches and ask if I'm hungry "no thanks but thank you!!"

Yesterday around mid-afternoon'ish - recep comes back and says "cookies! i have cookies!" holy ca-moly - how did he know my mom and dad used to call me cookie monster when i was a kid!? and! when I went to grab a cookie, there were drinks too! *score!*

Yesterday my other co-worker kept telling me to take chocolates that she just brought in - there was a hazelnut chocolate one there (how did she know I love hazelnut / chocolate combo!?)!

Yesterday my mixture of house coffee / splenda / hazelnut creamer - was ---> perfect!

my days are made up of all of the little enjoyments that I don't want to take for granted....


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