...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Friday, March 03, 2006


(don't tell my mom, but I'm loving not being employed)

Yesterday I had an appt to meet with an ad on Craigslist.org that I answered for volunteering. I'm new in town and I'm unemployed. I've previously been a volunteer and also a volunteer coordinator. It just makes sense for me to volunteer while I'm job hunting (leisurely) to network, keep active and hopefully have fun at the same time. Benefits on both sides right?! So....here's what my calendar looks like so far for March.

  • Beer Festival - volunteer - March 25th (and day before (friday) i can reap the volunteer benefits that the festival too!)
  • Beer Festival - volunteer orientation - March 20th
  • PlanetArt - Bowling Fundraiser - volunteer - March 26th
  • Vegfest - volunteer - March 11th
  • Vegfest - volunteer - March 12th
  • Roots - Young Adult Homeless Shelter - volunteer orientation - March 6th (if this one looks like a potential then I can volunteer after work hrs and I would also take a homelessness 101 class to prep myself (required)
  • PD - This one I will leave anonymous but yesterday was my initial volunteer mtg. Today was my first 4hr session volunteering. It's a small office and I get along with everyone and it's a fun start-up environment, which I haven't had that much experience with. It's a dating service essentially (networking at its finest) and they were posted on Craigslist.org along with everyone else I found. I know what you're thinking. But their target range is between 35-55 y.o. and I'm not here to meet boys, I'm here for me. Take it or leave it. You're hearing from the same chick that went 4 1/2 yrs w/o a bf throughout her college yrs. If I interpret movies like they want me to, those are the yrs where I'm supposed to be bed hopping...) It's a fun company, I could help out at events and I can still help out around the office during the day a couple days a week now that I'm unemployed. It's fun. Yes, it's only my first day but I can tell.

Yesterday while I was leaving my volunteer mtg w/PD, I was getting keys out for my car. The guy standing near my car asked if I was leaving. I said "yes". He was happy to take my space, he was unloading for the rug company right in front. I gave him my sticker for the parking (in Seattle, they have a centralized parking machine on the street and you pay by cash or credit cards and get a sticker. You put the sticker that has your end time bolded, on your passenger side window vs. drivers side) and he said "hey thanks! if you're ever looking for a rug, come and see me!" "Thanks"....(i wish he owned a candied apple store though...dangit)

**Update: Tomorrow - Taking viewer pledges live on KCTS Television/Channel 9 (PBS) in the afternoon!


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