...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


"once you accept indifference jo, you'll be a lot happier. it's the key to happiness".

i know i butchered the quote but i get the point, you get the point.

when i get excited about seeing a really cute doggie waddle, or have a really productive day at work, or take a picture - exactly how i pictured it in my mind - the last thing i think about is someone being indifferent about it. it's selfish. i know. it's a tad narcissistic. i admit it. but honestly that's how my brain works. and to share something i'm excited about. whether visually and/or verbally, i hope that my excitement and my enthusiasm accentuate it. can't my happiness create a happiness in you? isn't a smile contagious? or are you saying those bumper stickers are a lie...yes that leads to disappointment. yes that leads to occasional let downs but it's what i do, it's what i did. and that explains a lot. does it change anything? honestly - probably not. indifference is the key to my unhappiness.


Blogger joaners said...

whoever said that is wrong... if you were indifferent, you'd be like me, all depressed and miserable. and why would you want to be like that?!?! being indifferent means you're not appreciating all the good/bad, ups/downs that life has to offer. you're just floating through life and not experience it.

9:51 AM


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