...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Today a co-worker sent out a company wide email out of *fun*

Email sent:

-----Original Message-----
"Do you like the letter "i"? Do you like dogs? Then you may like an iDog, and you should read on.

I have an iDog here at work that I have been neglecting. I would like to find a new home for him. This iDog can be yours if you tell me how much you'll love him, and give him new batteries, and let him listen to Patrick Swayze.

I'll read all the replies and pick a new owner at 1pm. So get writing!"

**I got SO excited-I responded right away. By then it was still over an hr away....
I didn't take lunch - I ate my potato/spinach frittata from Trader Joes for 'brunch' while working. I had to pee around 1pm and waited....and waited. I couldn't wait any longer so I finally left my desk for a second. and that's when he sent the results. I think he sent out the results around 1:30pm'ish. Coming back to my desk my coworker asks - did you win?? I don't know, did he say? Yes - but only that it has a new home, not who won. So i logged back onto my computer and saw two emails from the guy. One general one to say game's over! and the second............TO SAY I WON!!! i had to read the email twice. woohoo! I was *so* excited. I was *so* excited I started laughing so much to the point where I almost started crying and my coworker asked if I needed tissue! I even asked my other coworker to come with me to pick him up! I had no idea - why I was so excited....I - I don't even or didn't even know what an iDog was-it was more in the spirit of writing about a love or passion and someone acknowledging it or someone hearing it? i don't know. i love that i have my first puppy now (still unnamed)!


"I *love* dogs.
I mean I love dogs.
On my cell phone right now, I have about 8 different pictures.........all of random dogs that belong to other ppl that I have seem on the streets.
On my flickr.com/photos/j0mammma - I have a folder just of dogs......again other ppl's dogs.
On any sites that I have i.e. myspace or friendster or anything - they all have my favorite picture of my friend's dog.
I have never owned a dog in my life.
I have been rejected at adoption fairs to the point where I stopped applying.
I would *love* a doggie at work
Plus I just bought a pack of AA batteries (assuming those would work)
Plus I have friends who I can get Patrick swayze songs from!....?!
Plus I offered you a ride to work one day - so I'm somewhat generous?

As for the letter "I" I like it some much I wrote it 15+ times in this email!"


Blogger joaners said...

congrats on the new addition! at least there's no ipoo to pick up!

2:29 PM


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