...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Monday, December 18, 2006

itsy bitsy spider

last night i saw him.
he was sitting ever so still on my eye makeup remover bottle in the bathroom.
reluctant to kill him. (scared is more like it)
i shoved him into the sink and drowned him in H20.
i closed the sink so he couldn't climb back out and called it a night.
this morning when i looked at the sink it was open.
that's right! i woke up to use the restroom and forgot to close the sink back up after washing my hands.
i wonder.....
no, he couldn't have climbed back out.
(a day passes)
and if it's 9:27pm right now, it must've been around 9pm that i was getting into bed and who do i see?!!? the spider!! right where i usually lay down!
he came back out and crawled up the sink, down the counter, out the door, down the hall into my bedroom, up my bed - into my bed, waiting for me to not see him so i could swallow him in the night - revenge at its finest!!! yet i killed him.
and i swear i swear it was the SAME spider!? no one will believe me but next time i come across a spider, i will make sure i kill 'em the first time *grrrrr....*


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