...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

not good

not that i feel bad.
but i don't feel good.

after the storm, i haven't had internet connection until today.
@ Vita's right now.

and i miscalculated my volunteer gig that was YESTERDAY.
terrible feeling, flaking when you're the only person scheduled for that time.
Purrfect Pals is the organization. And it was to wrap presents in the Barnes and Noble @ Crossroads in Bellevue.

So how did I spend my time instead?
Picked Aileen up from the airport and watched Lost before heading out to Bleu Bistro and Linda's Tavern.

Just a bad judgement call. I was going to check my email @ the library after my volunteer gig from 10-2pm but the internet connection was down at the library too!?! (some very unhappy patrons.) so i just thought - "it's ok! it's not till next weekend anyways!" no....nope - it was yesterday.

I'm sitting here checking my email and i just received the rejection e-mail from my interview last week. *sigh* not a good feeling. i'm hoping this tuesday will work out better.

My feelings recently have been somewhat up and down.
I've been fairly happy with finding different volunteer gigs to involve myself with. But fairly unhappy with not knowing where I'm going to be employed next month. (contracts suck!) I've been happy with my ability to continously send out my holiday cards to friends miles and miles away - but i've been unhappy at the thought of not seeing them this year. I've been happy with my ability to keep in touch with my brother on a regular basis but unhappy with my ability to get lost in Season 1 of Lost. I've been happy with my continous employment throughout this year considering the move but unhappy with knowing that for my taxes for 2006, I will have at least 4 employers sending me w-2s. I've tried to keep optimistic about the unknown but sometimes I just get lost in it.

I wonder how I'll feel tomorrow.


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