...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Monday, April 24, 2006

Happy Place

My apt is still half done. It's coming together but little by little. I made the executive decision not to buy anymore furniture until after May because of the bachelorette party and wedding. But this corner is done. It's my happy corner. It's in the living room and the only completed portion. I bought the rocking chair at a garage sale a block away along with the table, they both have many scratches but i call it character. i had to have 'em. (and!!! they delivered) The globe is from mr.samuel because i am geographically challenged and the flowers were from gn before he left. i thought they were purty. (also featured is the sunday papers from yesterday and a coffee mug - they unfortunately or fortunately really were there and not just put there for the pix) i didn't have the heart to tell him i've never met a flower that didn't die a quick death in my care. probably why it's photographed when it's only a day old - it's 50 y.o. in human yrs...but this...this is my happy place.


Blogger joaners said...

can you come over and make me a happy place too?

8:27 PM

Blogger j0mammma said...

"rolly polly" chair.....I LOVEEE that name!!!

10:34 PM


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