...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Thursday: work - go to AppleOne to register
Thursday night: Sea-Tac ---> SFO
Friday: work at my old job in Oakland
Friday night: drink with Laurie (woohoo!) in the city
Saturday morning: SFO ---> Cabo, Laurie's bachelorette party (woohooooo!)
Tuesday late afternoon: Cabo ---> SFO, hang out with G
Wednesday - Sunday: work at my old job. try to hang out with friends and family if i'm not tied to my (old) office.
Sunday night: Oakland airport ---> Sea-Tac
Monday morning: same Seattle routine....except adding in more overtime with my current job for missing so much time off.

(i don't think i considered how exhausting this is going to be..........."and we're off!")


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

another - 1st gelato!

maybe it's me.
i think i'm assuming on these gigs.
today was another "coffee for the first time!"
we met at the piggy at pike place.
and we walked to a gelato place right nearby (not my fault he fell for the "now when you said coffee you meant gelato right?")
and i noticed as he pulled out his wallet while we were making flavor selections so i wasn't going to bother with "The Grab" and he walked in front of me to the register. and the guy is like "separate or together?" and i let jc make the call and he goes, oh i only have 5 bucks (total was like 6 something), "oh it's cool, i got it!" as i pulled out money. the same money i checked before driving over to make sure i had enough money just in case and didn't need to go to the ATM.

i didn't want to assume. i saw his grab and followed....i thought? but....*shrugging shoulders*

second time in a row....it was the same gelato place too, it would've been even more entertaining if it was the same gelaterista.

we walked around and sat around and talked for a bit, he just arrived from canada. he's nice and not "nice" but...nice. which was a refresher. i felt he was being genuine. agreed upon hanging out again but since i'm leaving for like 1-2 wks, we left it till laterz...and then Target...and now laundry. man, i feel like i just unpacked and i'm packing again!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Sign ---> Made by Nora

When I went to visit my lil cousins on Saturday, I found this sign in between the toilet and sink...it was made by Lenora who is like 5 (ish) y.o....

I assumed that it was based on her memories of seeing a sign like this, out in public bathrooms...She's just a lil HAM!And her sis - Devon too!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


i will try to save a buck on scheduling the only internet special back home, OAK ---> SEATAC, 6:45AM today.
I will not remember that the only thing to keep me from making that flight is a hangover / nausea.
so when i missed my flight today, because i kept feeling like i had to throw up and knew there was no way i was going to last a 2-hr flight, i was a bit saddened by paying an additional $80 to reschedule it for 2:30PM, today.
But it was worth it.

This past weekend:

  • 5:15pm - got off work
  • 5:45pm - got home fr: walking
  • 7pm - caught a cab to the airport since i was late leaving for my 8:45pm flight
  • 9:30pm - left Sea-Tac since my flight was delayed
  • 11:30pm - got picked up at the oakland airport from cinco, wilmar and marie
  • midnight'ish - made it to nik and tris' celebration at Zebulon
  • 3am - drunk munchies at the tretasco's w/tim, phoogie, marie, cinco and wilmar
  • 8am'ish - woke up at cinco's, had breakfast and chilled.
  • 10am - get dropped off at the parents house to hang out for a bit
  • 2pm - pizza and coffee w/jedd and sammy (hi sammy!) @ Arizmendi
  • 3pm - visit with Devon and Lenora (lil cousins) in Alameda
  • 4pm - drive to hercules to pick up phoogie
  • 5:30pm'ish - drive to the city and sit in traffic for like - ever!
  • 7pm - Blondies w/phoogie for a martini
  • 7:30pm - tapas and sangria @ Picaros with kev, phoogie, jaz, jammie and butch
  • 10pm - vodka at PLAYBACK(I think?) w/kev, phoogie, jaz, jammie and butch
  • 10:30pm - Club Six - woohoo! with...more peeps!
  • 3am'ish - get driven home by Tim with passed out phoogie in the backseat.
  • 11am'ish - woke up and rescheduled my 6:45am flight that i missed ---> 2:30pm

Friday, May 19, 2006

in line @ Gate B6

(i love laptops!)

today i was walking to work, as usual. i was approaching my (work) building and up ahead i saw this lady just chillin'.
she looked like she just woke up from where she was.
and even though there was no bed, she looked like she got out of the wrong side of the bed.
she turned to walk in front of me and dropped her beanie.
usually. usually i pick it up for them or tell them and they pick it up.
but today, there was something about her - that i just let it go.
a guy, got out of the cab just at that moment, caught up wiht the lady and must've said something along the lines of you dropped your beanie. because he kept walking and she turned to kick his backpack!?
"Oh! SORRRRIEEEEEE" she cries out in a sarcastic yell.
outta no where?
what was that about?
she was angry. and all he was trying to do was help.
i felt bad.
and i also thought it was weird. that this particular time, this one time, i didn't say anything. i didn't try to help her. and she turned out to be a meanie.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

real woman

talk is cheap. right?
i like to stay real but i cheat.
when i go to public bathrooms and i have to poo, i don't want to do it when other people are there.
there would be times at my old work that i'd have to come back like 4-5x! it would suck! but i would get shy.

today i was brushing my teeth and this chick walks in and sits down, not a minute later she's having the runs! poot'ing freely! no quams!

i admire(d) her....and then hurried up and got the h$ll outta dodge!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

let's talk about $ex bay-bee! let's talk about you and me!

i'm really glad my upstairs neighbors don't *boink* a lot. cuz then i'd have to hear them ALL THE TIME I TRY TO SLEEP. i hate listening to ppl! a porn is different than listening to neighbors while you're trying to sleep. cuz that my friend, is just not cool.


(current) work gossip: i'm not happy. like signficantly.

(old) work gossip: my replacement's last day is this FRIDAY! they asked me if i would be available to train someone. i would - if i told my new boss something came up back home and i need to stay longer next week...i'll see tomorrow!

personal gossip: I just went on another fluke "hey let's have coffee and meet!" it's ok, i got strawberry and hazelnut gelato out of it. oh wait, i paid for it. oh and his! inside joke i guess *crickets chirpinig* =)....maybe the next one will be better. jc, he's canadian. i wonder how many jokes i can think of canadians beforehand.....*scratching head*. got nothing now.

celebrity gossip: I don't know any, i haven't been to cinco's in awhile to catch up and i still don't have a TV

pet gossip: i went to greenlake for the 2nd time after work yesterday and got to see SO-MANY waddles....it was great!!!

yoga gossip: I haven't been able to go today or yesterday. i must've ate something bad or fast cuz i'd been poot'ing a lot. yoga & poot'ing don't mix.

tan gossip: so i went out on sunday to greenlake cuz i wanted to go to the University street fair, so GF was going to go too. but then we got there and couldn't find it. i didn't bring the newspaper with the ad. so we walked around and found a paper, found the ad and found out i read the dates wrong, it's THIS coming weekend...so we went to greenlake instead. greenlake was really nice that day, we sat in the sun for awhile to pick out the list of movies for the SIFF coming up. and apparently yellow girl burns faster than white boy cuz i'm a lobster!!! *dangit!!!!*

sunday was all outdoors though, walking around greenlake, going home to walk to downtown and b and i walked around the piers and then i walked more around downtown to walk home to get a book and read in the park near my apt before the sun went down. sunday was nice.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


waiting for GF. and my internet didn't work at home today, therefore i'm here at vivace. it's beautiful outside, great day for a......U Street Fair! and a walk downtown and hopefully around the piers! what a coincidence! yesterday after bikram w/D, i ended up volunteering for SIFF for 4 hrs and it wasn't the most active. definitely one of the easiest volunteer gigs to earn 2 movies - but still. i went there and got info overload on the event, so i would definitely feel comfortable volunteering for the box office again and knowing things but...yeah. time - did - not - move. the two guys that were there were freakin' hilarious though! hilarious!!! omg. i was not by any means doing a courtesy laugh at any point. but the 2nd half was straight - internet, i was kinda just staring at the computer screen after awhile. did some grocery shopping afterwards, wandering around in my dirty car around the city and then came home for an early night. eh.

so on my one-block walk over here this morning i passed by a guy holding a puppy puggy and shading him from the sunlight *cute* and then a few feet after, passed by a guy, passed out on the ground next to what looked like to be - his belongings. according to the bags and clothes next to him, he looked as if he was thrown out of a car, with his stuff following him or he looked as if he was thrown out of a car with his stuff following him. and him still soundly sleeping away. (crazy)

Friday, May 12, 2006

meeting and greeting the barista before the bartender

met D for drinks for the first time last night and found "Chapel". i LOVE finding nice places. it was randomly recommended twice so i volunteered it for drinks and it's SO-CUTE but then that means now, i'm like not looking fwd to drinks tonight...(it hurts!) i really don't think i would make 10am bikram if i did. but i'll try. i'm excited cuz hopefully D is going to try it out tomorrow with me too! i love exercise company - misery loves company! so after i told myself that i-am-not-working-this-weekend, i was cleaning off my desk and realized i have to come in to audit payroll before monday (boo) can't make any mistakes on paychecks, gotta audit *dangit*. tomorrow is my first session of volunteering for SIFF - excited! it's behind the scenes right now, festival hasn't started yet. and then i answered an ad for peeps who need extras for a small indie film that's at a bar walking distance to my apt on sunday afternoon. but the only thing is that sunday is supposed to be really nice and it'll be my only free day(i thought it would be nice to put an ipod, sunglasses and purse on and just walk around the piers and stuff, bring my camera too, esp on a nice afternoon), esp since i'm probably going to work tomorrow. (work work blah blah blah) work - is well, it's work right now and jo can't complain, gotta pay the bills but wish it was "different" that's all. so i have no idea where all this drunk calling is coming from. i'm not gonna lie, i'm happy every time the phone is picked up but i feel bad afterwards - i swear i don't always drink!! but yeah my head did hurt this morning =) be warned, i'm drinking again tonight so - yeah....Recommended book --> "What Should I Do With My Life", Po Bronson. i can't believe i'm going home soon. i don't know how i feel about that. it's weird. but in terms of meeting people. i know everything isn't for everyone. i guess i just see all the "interesting" things i get from "filtering out" right now, that i want to share it! i want to say hey, yeah i meet randoms but you know, every once in a while you meet someone really cool. jenny, i met her last month and she's - my girl here. when she called me on thursday - really needing to talk to someone she called me and essentially expressed that. i tried to be there for her. i told her i'd drive out to the eastside and that we're drinking! but things fell through but i told her it didn't matter, i'd go to her. and i barely just met her. but i see the importance of cherishing friendships. i think that's one of the biggest lessons i've learned so far here. my phone bill isn't pretty. but i appreciate my friendships and sincere effort in maintaining them. i could do more - yes. but i know i'm doing more than i did. ya know? yes, i spend time at night, reading before i go to bed, and blogging and writing in my journal and just spacing out. but there are people i check in with regularly and some i talk to daily and email or IM or anything. letters, i like sending letters. i like receiving packages. i like when i get a package in my box that is addressed to "Joanna SMY-Lee" - made me - smile =)

Thursday, May 11, 2006


processes really fast cuz i just finished my salad that i nibbled on from like 3-5pm'ish - i threw it out when i left work at like 6'ish and i just pee'd and it was gross.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


yoga Day #2!

i didn't think i would make it outta there alive....

(i think i can i think i can i think i can)


totally just realized that hard candy throws my theory out the window
and since i believe everything i see on tv and the big screen......=(

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

2nd derivative

meeting - getting to know someone over the internet - ads, blogging, etc. is only the second derivative of someone. (yes i know i probably screwed that quote up)

do i want to believe that? no
do i currently believe it? maybe.

i see: whatyoureadiswhoiam.

and i don't want to believe it.

i want to believe that meeting someone on the internet and blogging and reading someone's myspace or friendster ad - is truly them. (why would you fake it? why bother?) just in another outlet. ppl are consumed with work. ppl are consumed with school. with family. with everything and anything. ppl are situated in the boonies. ppl are just wanting to branch out.

but i sat here and i re-read my ads, on various sources and i really wondered if that's me. and if it's not - who am i? i try to say it as it is, but i slip. i try to spill it all, but i hide. i try to stay true because i only want to meet the honest.

but how will you ever really know? i don't know how i'm viewed. i don't know if this blog that according to my title - "doesn't make sense", i don't know if that's me? i want to believe it is but how do you explain the anonymous blogging or the private settings (late in my xanga era) learned to use.

i don't know.
i don't know, right now i only want to believe.

Monday, May 08, 2006


yesterday was my ideal perfect sunday. (esp having converted to 6day workweeks.) perfect.
woke up. remembered funny drunken stupor...not...all..of it though =)
cleaned up, got back in my jammies...blogged a bit...ate some soybean noodles, chopped it up while in bed in my clean jammies after having washed off the alcohol from the day before...read a bit, wrote in my journal a bit, went to bikram, went grocery shopping, came back and ate dinner (and lots of diluted oj) while talking to sammy (hi sammy!) and cinco, cleaned up, read in bed again, and went to sleep.

c! perfect!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

bikram yoga

i did it!
first day always sucks.
but i did it!

it's walking distance.
it's only $20 for the next 6 days, as intro.
and if i go to at least 1 more class, i've made up the money of a regular drop in session.
the classes are smaller, more personal attention. it's not like funky door, where they're talking to you like "in the back, with the green shorts on, you're not stretching your left arm correctly" within the first class, she was addressing everyone including myself, by our first name.

but i did it!
yes i did feel a bit lightheaded at the stretches that flowed blood to the head but i did it! woohoo!

wanna hear a funny? i walked home right? the place is off broadway / e.pike where all the bars and stuff are...so i was walking home, past all these bars with sweat dripping down the back of my shorts cuz i was sweating for 1.5hrs straight....ew.....(I looked like heck but i still felt like superwoman =))


Bikram Yoga:

Bikram Choudhury is an internationally renowned yoga teacher from India who has taught over three million students. He brought his system to the United States in 1971 at the invitation of the American Medical Association. Bikram’s yoga is a routine of 26 poses which works the whole body in 90 minutes. The poses work synergistically and cumulatively to return the body to a balanced state. The yoga builds energy, stamina and flexibility. It incorporates strength, challenge, gravity, balancing and most importantly the tourniquet effect. This technique allows the stretching, squeezing and massaging of the internal organs, flushing out the cardiovascular system and stimulating the endocrine and nervous systems in order to release any deficient hormones and enzymes. The body is self-regulating and self-adjusting.

A regular yoga practice:
Regulates cholesterol in the blood
Supplies oxygen and nutrients to parts of the body that have been blocked or stagnant
Eliminates toxins
Flushes the lymphatic system
Strengthens the immune system
Balances the endocrine glands
Improves the spine’s flexibility and health
Expands lung capacity and strengthens the heart
Lubricates joints
Strengthens bones, and stretches and tones the muscles

As we age our muscles tend to get stiffer, creating more pressure on the joints. By regular stretching we prevent this gradual stiffening and joint deterioration and that is why yoga has a rejuvenating effect. Through a regular workout we liberate a vast amount of energy which we can use in our daily life to feel more alive and self fulfilled. We look, move and feel younger. In a three year research project at the Tokyo University Hospital, Bikram helped doctors prove that yoga regenerates tissues and thus helps cure chronic aliments. The routine is dynamic and exhilarating. The room is intentionally warm so that your muscles will stretch more easily.

Yoga “house cleans” your body, mind and habits.


kicked out already? one of us already got kicked out of a bar (not me)! jenny had a friend visiting from out of town this weekend, so the four of us went to belltown billards last night. somehow i drunkenly-safely drove my a$$ home? made a drunk call and thought i was going to throw up? passed out without brushing my teeth but took my contacts out? had the designated driver say before he dropped me off "ok, now all of you guys are pissing me off"?

so the alarm that would've gone off in your head is ---> you didn't brush your teeth - holytamoly! that means A LOT!


those shaningans was after i volunteered for "Check In" at this Auction at Pier 66, had a wine & mingled. and before that worked a few hours. Cancelled J's belated bday surprise. had a great plan too! i'll have to save it for another.

Friday night had happy hour with A in Belltown. and then Jenny called me from Pesos and met up with the 3 of them for more drinks at Twilight. After that I was perved off of like - oh i don't know, two drinks!? so yeah...that means i have no idea how i safely got home last night, cuz we were giving the bartender so much money. there was one round too, i remember! i kept giving her my credit card and one time she's like, the credit card machine is down, do you want to come back later? mind you, she's already handed over the drinks....so what does jo do? well, jo, scraps up the last real money in her purse and hands her money, instead of essentially taking the free drinks. what a dummy!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

all a seattleite needs:

  • teriyaki
  • coffee
  • ipods

i can't tell you how many times i see ppl walking to work in the morning wearing their ipods, sipping the starbucks and passing by one of the MILLION teriyaki restaurants in the northwest. that's right guys, there are a MILLION teriyaki places here, i still don't get it myself.

But considering, I found my iPod charger, so now i walk to work listening to music.

And I also have the complimentary Starbucks drip coffee when i get to work. (and! we have one on the downstairs of the building, so by 3pm, my coworker usually wants to take her caramel frap break and sometimes i feed in too, more than sometimes though =))

And I pass by the same teriyaki places (avoid eating there though, but have by limited selection a few times).

Well, by goly i guess i fit right in =)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


i woke up late for training this morning and i grabbed a starbucks for my 1hr commute, venti soy sugar free vanilla latte (i always stumble along when i'm ordering that). i thought they would have complimentary bagels or doughnuts or something or other so when i forgot to purchase an edible delight, i thought- no problem! when i got there, i was pointed to vending machines. 8:30am and usually i would never turn down a snickers but boy, that was no sounding right. so i waited until break and then downed a snickers and a peanut butter cheese cracker thing and just felt terrible, but i wouldn't make it another 2 hrs. after training i made an appointment to drop by this kardio kickboxing class to check it out, meet the instructor. i walked over, with my ipod, sunglasses, scarf and candy and walked the 10 min it took to get there. i watched for about 20 min and knew this was the gal that was going to kick my a$$ back into shape. when she had them do "cool down" we chatted and she asked me what i was looking for. i told her i loathe exercising and i'm trying to get back into shape and need someone to kick my a$$ and she smiled and said she could do that, cuz i just watched her yell at like 5 other gals a few seconds ago. class starts in about 2 wks...2x/wk. as soon as i stepped out the door, i threw away my candy and on my way back, i stopped by the closest bikram place to check it out but it's completely closed off so i couldn't see if it was what i was looking for, but they have a trial wk, so i'm going to start that friday. the yoga place is also about 10 min away, different direction, i walked through the park on the way home and realized what i had been missing out on, right around the corner, it's beautiful and it's two seconds away. i could literally just pick up a book or grab a dinner and sit in the park after work. and if i forgot something? well, i'd walk the ten feet it took to get there and come right back. i walked the whole way with my ipod on and i was listening to the Killers and i haven't memorized all of their songs, while i was walking, the intro of one song came in with a blast and i totally jumped and looked behind me.....and it was just the intro...of the one song. what a wimp!

Monday, May 01, 2006

walking but different.

every weekday morning i walk to work.
every weekday at midday, i walk to lunch.
about 30-60 min later, i will walk back to work.
towards the end of the day, i decide to walk home.
sometimes i walk a different route (switch it up! you know...)
sometimes i walk in a zone, on the same route.
but today, i left work specifically to walk for a cause.
i didn't know where it started nor where it was supposed to end.
but as i looked out the windows i saw the helicopters and heard the crowds and i just walked towards that direction.
and i saw the people.
surprised at first, at all of the kids, the strollers, the parents, the wheelchairs, the teenagers and the diversity.
and at first i just stood back and watched.
and then i started walking.
and it wasn't like walking to work, it wasn't like walking home, it was walking for something greater.
no my numb fingers didn't save anyone today nor did my shoe soles give any more for the next person, but it felt better.