...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Monday, July 31, 2006

P + JC + S = Flickr

Phoogie came up to visit this weekend - that rocked.
It rocked for a close friend to visit and to show him my new home. My new work, my new apartment, my new friends, my new coffee shop, my new walk to work and my new town. It felt comforting. We made it to: Bleu (Thursday night dinner), Queen Sheba for Ethiopian, he made it to the Aquarium, downtown and Pike Place area and Library and took awesome pictures!, The Chapel, Broadway Grill for drunk munchies, Ballard for a Seafood Festival, Ferry on our way to a Seafood Buffet, I.D. for drunk munchies followed by 5 Spot for drunk munchies (Back to back drunk munchies!?) and Down Under to party...busy, busy, busy. We couldn't even make it to Seattle Center - can we say gridlocked?

I've decided to keep most of my photos on Flickr because it's so much easier on there. this will just be words. thoughts with no pictures.

Friends? or did "When Harry Met Sally" really have something going on there....
JC had contacted me twice during this week, to say he wanted to hang out.
Since we were going to be friends afterwards - I figure - what can it hurt?
He asked me to call after I dropped Phoog off at Sea-Tac and we made plans to hang.
But as soon as I walked in the door I felt awkward.
Something wasn't right.
"I feel awkward - are we cool?"
Throughout the small conversation and the looks, I felt like he wasn't ready to be just friends.
I made the executive decision to leave and told him that maybe it just takes a week longer (jokingly). He made some comments that confirmed my thoughts "that's probably a good thing because I still feel like kissing you right now"
and with that we decided that our friendship was going to temporarily be put on hold as he walked me to the door one last time.

S almost O.D.' on the J.O. I think I saw him on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. craziness! but it didn't even feel like it. that's the craziness. and we discovered that there's no - T.M.I.

Phone conversation w/The Brother (AKA My Financial Advisor)...

"Ok, i can consolidate your (401K) accounts but i need to get your DOB, SS and address"

"ok, i'll email you my address and my SS is########...you don't know my DOB?"

"ok...well, i can't do the math"

"and my DOB is: 12/#/19$%"

"...ok, well....that was a long time ago....."

"HEY! HEY!! HEY!!!"

*brother snickering away......*

Monday, July 24, 2006

good bye

JC said maybe he's not ready to casually date as I told him about S.
and said good bye.
but what is casually dating?
maybe i'm not either.

i feel like i've temporarily lost sight.
i feel like i've been consumed with meeting this person and that person.

what about my list.
what about photography.
what about volunteering.
what about planned parenthood.
what about continuing my HR education.
what about seeing more nature.
what about yoga.
what about finding more seattle areas that i have not touched yet.
what about conquering my fears.

what about climbing over my self-made mountain.
what about my soul searching.
what about making my world bigger.
what about finding whatever it is, people "hope I find" here.
what about me.


Yesterday I met w/S to go to the "Bite of Seattle" at the Seattle Center around 130pm. This is an annual event that has a bunch of food booths from different cultures. Big event - parking was not fun.
In the scorching heat we consumed: shaved ice, young coconut juice, BBQ pork sandwiches and chocolate covered strawberries. *yum!*
We headed to Golden Gardens afterwards. We didn't leave there until close to 9pm and it was still crowded and sunny.
Off to grab some grub at Bleu in Capitol Hill. The lady forgot our food and gave us a free round! (Bleu has great ambiance. They have each table enclosed with different curtains or decor that just makes it look awesome and the food and drinks are huge!? and it's a brief walk over.) Alcohol for Jo on a Sunday?! Somebody was tipsy and had to chill out at my pad before driving S back to his car.
so taking out the places we were actually at, it was pretty much 12+ hrs of talking and laughing. that rocks. you can't do that with everyone.

4 hrs of sleep. i'm beat. and sleepy....zzzz...

Sunday, July 23, 2006


another addiction.
in between last night around midnight and now, i've probably spent a bit less than 3 hrs on it so far...


it's so hot here...

yesterday was perfect and productive.
JC and i met up around 10am.
we went back to this coffee shop "Tin Cup" near Seattle Center where ANY COFFEE DRINK is $2.00. and last time we went, we talked to her for awhile and said hi to her pit bull. this time she asks what our favorite fruit was "watermelon" or "cantaloupe" and she gives us each fruit with our purchase. I got this "Rice Krispy" = white chocolate + marshmallow + latte (w/soy of course!) And by then I didn't have breakfast so i got a white chocolate macadamia cookie too (yum!)
we went to west seattle.
ran into the west seattle parade while trying to get to this antique store to purchase my: dresser and coffee table.
we went to alki beach for lunch, until the parade was over. the store i wanted to go into was not opening until after the parade.
we ran into the Hot Rod Alki Beach Car Show.
it was beautifully set on the water. people just sat near their cars with their picnic set-ups.
went back to the store and ran into this screamin' side table at another store.
we came back to my place to set up pictures - all which are now higher on the walls than i could've put them due to his height.
we went to PCC to get food to watch Shaun of the Dead at the Fremont (outside) movie but forgot chairs to sit on. so we sat next to the water and watched all of the boats pass by. (everyone here has a boat or access to a boat - it's crazy)
found discovery park.
found another "Perfect Seattle Picture" place in Queen Anne.
came back to enlighten him on Old Boy.
and called it a night.
all in 90+ degree heat. i'm sweating just typing this thing.



Friday, July 21, 2006


Just got back from dinner w/S. I almost didn't make it either. Right before maybe 15 min or so beforehand, my stomach just started getting upset over the salad i ate a few hours before. cold sweating it, aching and the whole deal. but i made it just a bit late and managed to eat some food too. S is very - something. i can't put my finger on it. i feel like we have the same sense of humor. and i didn't see that as a big thing until i started meeting people that didn't have the same sense of humor or manners - that's a good one too. example: he asked beforehand if i wanted him to meet me from my car to walk me to the place since we were meeting in international district at night. or how i waited for him to get in his car when we were ending the night before driving away. (or even....oh what's the right word - here's an example: at the concert the other day, K mentioned about how he's disappointed on the dress of people that go to concerts, how they just wear anything and they're not aware. that was - such - a turnoff. i didn't know what to say so we changed subjects.) we ended up standing outside the restaurant for what seemed like a good 1.5 hrs or so just watching what happens out on the international district streets at night. cop cars pulling up, what sounds like gun shots and kids speeding off in cars. odd.

so what's wrong? well, JC said that he doesn't mind that i see other people. he'll see other people too. so we're hanging out again. that's what's wrong. i feel like it's wrong. it's just - different. but we both get along really well and even if / when it doesn't work out, i want to ensure we can still be friends...for real.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

jurassic 5

w/K was so much fun. it was my first concert since i've been to seattle. i feel like there's always live music going on here. so abundant. i haven't been to a concert where the music didn't rock! immediately my perfect concert would include: The Roots, John Mayer, Maroon 5, Jack Johnson, Hot Hot Heat, Avril Lavigne, Foo Fighters, Gwen Stefani and.....Blink 182. omg, that would rock!

Monday, July 17, 2006


Today after walking home from work, i wanted to go for a walk (huh?!)....

There was a sign I did not have time to take a picture of on Saturday and knew it was by Lake Union-somewhere.
So I put on my walking shoes and grabbed my camera and went for a walk.

I thought it was cool because they usually spell it with the "E" at the end.

I saw this sign and didn't know the formal name of scooping poo' was the "Scoop Law".

"walking away from love".

The stairs picture is where i like to chill. there's a bench after the 2nd set of steps and it looks onto Lake Union and there's hardly anyone ever there. (shhhhh...)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

another day w/"sun"

today i met S at the West Seattle Festival. i met him there and we made laps around the festival for about a good 4 hrs and i spent about 3hrs and 59min of it laughing up a storm, learning a bunch and admiring his open mind & carefree nature....oh and doggie watching!

the end.

it started out with a full summer day in seattle.
we went with jenny and friends on a boat around the lake for a few hours.
we went to jenny/gary's house to hang out.
we went to the kirkland art and wine festival.
we cooked(um, he cooked - i can't cook) dinner.
we read some newspapers, thought of what we were going to do next weekend and watched "The Weather Man".
It was a nice perfect summer day in seattle.
and then he asked me what i was doing tomorrow.
and i told him the west seattle festival.
"that sounds like a date?"
um. *shrugging shoulders* (mind you later i found out he had one too)
and somewhere in the middle, he asked me to go to see jurassic 5 on tuesday.
and i had to tell him i couldn't, i already had plans to go with someone else.
and it ended.
he ended it.
he said he thinks that we should end it now, because he would like this to turn into something more and he doesn't see that happening. he said he gets jealous. he said he's been thinking about this for a few weeks. he feels like he's just waiting around for me to do what i need to do and he's not being true to himself - just waiting for me. and i told him i really respected that he said that.

so he walked me to my car when i left.....and told me he hopes i have a crappy day tomorrow.

Friday, July 14, 2006

oh, brother dear.

i'm lucky enough to think my little brother is one of the funniest ppl i know...

"brother: yea

brother: going out is getting annoying

brother returned at 9:27:29 PM.

J0mammma95: that's why you have to stay home sometimes

J0mammma95: i am tonight

brother: well

brother: i'm trying to meet people

brother: and it's kinda working but not really

brother: i meet people

J0mammma95: takes time

J0mammma95: just remember not to buy a girl a drink

brother: but they're not interested/have a bf

brother: yea

J0mammma95: or i'll kick your butt

i did that last week

brother: on accident

brother: i didn't want to

J0mammma95: *#$&(@#&$(*@#&$(*&@#

brother: but my friend bought her friend a drink

J0mammma95: !!!!!!

brother: i was like BAH

brother: and btw

brother: those b!tches never called me back

J0mammma95: WHO?

brother: (they're all b!tches now)

brother: some girls we met

J0mammma95: omg

J0mammma95: met how?

brother: well

brother: my friend went up to them

brother: then we hung out a little

brother: then one of them left cause she got a call from her bf

brother: then they came all the way back

brother: and asked me for my number

brother: cause apparently her friend was interested in me

brother: so that was it

brother: and they never called me back

brother: :-(

J0mammma95: sometimes that happens

brother: B!TCHES

J0mammma95: that used to happen to me

J0mammma95: it's a 50/50 when they get your number

brother: uhh

J0mammma95: even if they initiate

brother: so when i get their number

brother: it's still like 50/50

J0mammma95: that's why YOU NEVER BUY THEM A DRINK

brother: that's bs

J0mammma95: it is though

brother: yea

brother: i spend enough money getting myself drunk

J0mammma95: pre-funk!!

brother: yea

J0mammma95: costco kettle w/costco red bull

brother: tomorrow night for sure

brother: damn

brother: where's my listerine strips

J0mammma95: you know you can't buy alcohol at costco or grocery stores

J0mammma95: hard alcohol

brother:why not

J0mammma95: you could only buy it up to 7 or 8pm

J0mammma95: on any day except sunday

brother: ah

J0mammma95: then you're outta luck

brother: well

brother: considering i have half a costco bottle of vodka here...

brother: ok

brother: gonna go

brother: i need to go home cause i ran out of toothpaste

J0mammma95: where?

brother: wish me luck

brother: some random place

brother: "parisian 1930s" lounge

brother: i was like wtf

J0mammma95: don't buy a girl a drink

brother: all my other friends flaked

J0mammma95: i mean a b!tch a drink

brother: i won't

brother: yes

brother: cause they're b!tches

J0mammma95: i'll kick your butt!!!!!!!!!!!

brother: and from now on

J0mammma95: lol

brother: they will be treated accordingly

J0mammma95: LOL

brother: POOF (he usually doesn't put this in CAPS. he was trying to say he's really mad! grrr....)

brother signed off at 9:40:45 PM.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

conversation with the lil brother...via myspace.

yea i think i should do that...i have to save at LEAST $____k though which might never happen unless i get married...although i want to buy a place before i get married so she can't take it away from me.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Joanna
Date: Jul 12, 2006 6:03 PM

i think it's worth it.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: i pity the foo who dont eat my cereal
Date: Jul 12, 2006 5:44 PM

bleh. a condo might be interesting cause they're building way too many in emeryville....but assuming i buy a place, i won't have enough money for furniture :(

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Joanna
Date: Jul 12, 2006 5:43 PM

house? boat house? condo? townhouse? whatever

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: i pity the foo who dont eat my cereal
Date: Jul 12, 2006 5:20 PM

in a "place"? as in a house? i'm def not wasting money on a condo.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Joanna
Date: Jul 11, 2006 10:58 PM

i do. but i think you should invest in a place first. don't buy a car now.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: i pity the foo who dont eat my cereal
Date: Jul 11, 2006 7:42 PM

do you have any friends that are car salesmen in the bay area?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

.hot chocolate.

8pm i met S for (another first!) hot chocolate and walked around green lake and remembered how important laughter is for the soul. good times.

Monday, July 10, 2006


JC: "do you like cats?"
JO: "no....do you like cats?"
JC: "i have a cat"
JO: *hahahahahaaaaaa*

so there i go. i'm hanging out with yoda. who knew? i actually tell her good night and hello and check on her. i didn't see it coming. but what am i gonna do?

backtracking...it's how i got mumphy with doggies. i was scared for so long. and then i started warming up to two jack russels and before i knew it, i'm stalking 'em! (still do actually!) so there i go, warming up to the furball. she's really not that bad...yet.

drunken milkshake

so apparently when you're drunk and lactose intolerant - your ability to digest a strawberry milkshake doesn't improve or anything. it stays the same. therefore giving you the typical tummy ache the day after - hindering your ability to hang out in the sun w/the fun on a sunday afternoon....eh, at least i made it to my pedi & fremont farmers market in the morning - greenlake will be there next time.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

starts raining in september?!

i feel like summer just started. i was pretty content w/the weekend of being in seattle and not working.
had the movie /dinner on friday night.
GF kicked my butt in mini golf yesterday with a red mill burger. *yum*
had a yummy dinner with Jenny + husband last night.
brought her back to the city to party at war room for a bit with everyone.
drove her back and came back to party - at least drunk munchies with christine and everyone. (mental note: driving buzzed to kirkland by yourself is not cool.)
today - going for a farmers market and to chill at greenlake w/jc and then off for a bite to eat w/jr.
so i was content with the weekend but knowing that the rain is almost here! oh no! this will definitely be my test - my first winter in seattle. i hope i can make it.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

sleeping awake

i got home last night from a dinner/movies w/jc probably around 2am. it was late and from working through last weekend and the 4th, i was just ready to crash. when i was about to leave we were just talking about whether i get nervous walking from my car to my apt late at night. and i said, no, i'm fine, i just look around at all of my surroundings and i get my keys before i leave the car and i walk fast. "do you want me to drive you home?" "no i'm fine, thanks for asking though"....(apparently kissing a boy is like putting the chivalry gear on automatic).

and then i crashed.


in my semi-comatose state, i woke to what seemed like a bunch of random noises from my above neighbors. usually they're banging but not like this (wah wah wahhhhh). i could picture someone getting beat up and i didn't know what to do. but all of the sudden, seconds later everything stopped. everything. now usually - i can even hear them pee. i can hear them walk outta the bed, to the bathroom to pee so that one of 'em doesn't get an infection. but i heard nothing. no one move, no one walk away. and i lay there in bed in total silence for a while to see if it was delayed. but i went back to sleep, without hearing another sound. but then i wonder - did i ever wake up?

Friday, July 07, 2006

another first latte.

k. zokas at 7pm.
i met k for the first time at zokas at 730pm last night.
i didn't want to give out my number or call but there was no way i was getting there on time.
and someone told me the secret of "*67"! and it worked! so i called to let him know there was no way i was getting there on time. but when i called him for the first time and he first picked up the phone i made him giggle "hey this is jo - did my number pop up?"
he's an environmental archeologist.
i think.
if i remember correctly and it was random but sounded so cool and carefreel and - environmental!
he told me about one time during pride weekend that he went out to "Neighbours" for drinks and he was pee'ing in the bathroom and he experienced a "drive by a$$ grabbing"....i tell 'ya. i could not stop laughing for - like - ever.
freakin' hilarious.
overall i thought it went well, but as in any of these types of scenarios - you assess off the top - friends? or casually date? and i pick friends. i hope when he mentioned about next time - that he's picking friends too. that'd be cool.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

this is the diary of my life.
you are simply reading it.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Random Recent Pix...

My brother giving me a "thumbs up"?

My brother not being able to hold my attention at a club...Wilmar poot'ing on me while smiling for the camera...
My ONE AND ONLY time I gave into the "10yr+ glowstick joke"...
.....................................yeah, i have no flippin' idea what the heck is going on here.............
This picture and the one after were taken on the same night at two completely different situations....