...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

i'm connected!!

i have to stand right now, in the corner of my kitchen but that's ok! i just got connected like 5 min ago! *sigh.....* on my new toy! woohoo! recently i've been restricted to company computer but they monitor heavily so i could only check super duper quick. and not really respond. i just got home and already put two loads of laundry in and man am i kinda poop'd. i just came back from a "Correcting Your Credit" class at "U-Dub"...never figured out how that sounded like University of Washington but whatever. and i kinda felt like i was at my first day of high school all over. i raced home from work, changed and grabbed an energy bar and called it dinner to sit in traffic to the university district. i had never been on campus before so i left as much time as available for getting lost. and lost i did for awhile but as soon as i found someone sane i asked him for directions and still ended up on the wrong end of the building. my sense of direction will never cease to amaze me. i had downed a iced grande soy-sugar free vanilla latte right before leaving work. and had to tinkle pretty freakin' bad and still had like 15 min still starting. at which point i noticed the building and respective room were completely empty. my class only ended up having like 5 ppl not including the instructor. i wondered if my teacher was going to be cool. i wandered if they would call on me. i wandered how long the class was and if it was going to be fun. all of the familiar first day of class anxieties. the class was because i know absolutely nothing about credit, credit reports, what to do w/identify theft or anything! so i wanted to take my first step. it was a one-time class and as soon as my first paycheck comes in then i can start on the others! (what else.....) work is getting busy and i'm still trying to figure out my left from my right. we've just acquired and then starts the HR digs...so i'm probably going to pick either saturday or sunday and call it a day to try and get my bearings...i hope it rains that day so i don't miss anything! (what else) watched "Thank You For Smoking" last night and was laughing out loud so much. GF must've thought i was retarded because i couldn't stop laughing at the one part where the Greg Brady look-a-like asked the little kid if he could get him something (to drink)? orange juice....coffee....red bull....? i couldn't stop laughing for like-ever. overall pretty amusing movie though, i only rated it a 7.5 and got chewed out for it. i asked GF to get the popcorn guy's phone number for me and he looked at me like i was kidding...."whaaaaa?....whaaaaat????" =) i picked our next venture - it was to have a Seattle Tour. i told him i would pick out three places to put on the table so i wouldn't be dead weight. i was kidding, but now i think i raised the expectations....dangit! yesterday before the movie, i had my Planned Parenthood Volunteer Interview. I felt bad cuz not only was I late (big surprise), but I wasn't dressed appropriately, i thought it was just an info session? oops! oh well...she's checking references now and we'll see if i can contribute! i really want to though. my next step after this is to see if i can find a similar program like i found in SF to be a Sex Educator. i thought that would be cool. i want to be the approachable somewhat young =/ hip gal that teens and pre-teens can ask questions. i want to arm 'em and make sure they have info and education to help them for the rest of their lives. this volunteer gig would be easy because i believe in what they do. this weekend is the Seattle International Film Festival Volunteer Mtg, I think that's my next v. gig....I haven't been able to surf opportunities without the easy access to the internet. had my gelato on sunday....and i was late for that one too *shrugging shoulders*....this one was not my fault though! i had left the coffee shop from studying on time. the coffee shop is like 2 blocks away from my apt. within those two blocks this guy talked my ear off and convinced me to buy his rocking chair and side table and he would deliver both of them. (he had me at "delivery") - so then i'm late. but then! to make myself even more late, i forgot to look up a map so i went with what he described, saw the street sign, parked and wasn't even paying attention and when i approached a fork in the road...went down the wrong street - for like ever! so yeah that sucked. oh well. i must not have been that late since we're going to a surprise dinner tomorrow. so when i was actually on time for the movie after running around for my interview - i was so happy!! it's one of my top goals though, i want to be more punctual. so far i've been pretty good with work. as long as i leave my apt between 7:30am - 7:35am, i will still get there at 8am on the dot - walking. which by the way i love! my path includes a freeway overpass so i can laugh at all of the people wasting money on the high gas prices and their road rage. i paid my dues working in SF and living in Oakland so i think i'm allowed to let out a few snickers...hehehehehee....oops! time to transfer laundry!


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