...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Friday, April 21, 2006

i love my free internet...

gn's flight is coming in and should be here around 8:30pm. looks like we're going to be playing tourist this weekend...he randomly emailed me the other day to say he was considering moving here so he's up for this weekend (and maybe next)...unfortunately it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend and today it's really nice right now as i type away...(i love typing......*sigh*) i say unfortunately because i need to put in some (a lot of) OT and i don't have any windows nearby either. suck. last night ended up at wild ginger for dinner. i didn't have time to look into places, so i offered to drive, we hopped in the car and left it up to fate..."fate" = a deck of cards. the deck of cards picked out our neighborhood, and once i found the neighborhood, it also picked out where we were to walk and then the direction we were to head towards for the closest restaurant. i thought this would give me an opportunity to visit a neighborhood i haven't found yet or give me a chance to practice my navigational skills (which still really suck). unfortunately or fortuntely the cards led us to First Hill and First Hill from capitol hill, apparently we could've walked =) and i wouldn't let him tell me where to go either, half the battle for me - gotta find it for myself! great choice though - restaurant wise, they had yummmmmmmmmy gelato and sorbet combo. omg. freakin' yum. oh yeah, and some food too. when we first got in the restaurant he went to say hi to a friend and then this bartender told me to come up and try something. he was talking to me like i had already known him(i even kinda glanced slightly around to see if he was indeed talking to me) and he was like - you have to try this - mango daquari, he's like, just stay with me, i can get you small portions of everything...i thought that was so cute...not the bartender but his actions. he was so happy, happy bartenders are so cool!..and! it(drink) was good!


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