...sometimes - it just doesn't...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

untitled II

2 blogs in one day. what is this world coming to again. i am sitting in the internet cafe a block away from my place and it's like the hangout place for capitol hillers without computers and those with laptops and no time limits or something. the deal is is that your first 30 min is equivalent to your caffeinated beverage and every additional minute after is $.13. so all you have to do is to pay close attention to time. which is my downfall. i think i have 4 min until i start paying. i actually ended up coming here cuz i didn't have enough quarters for laundry, short by 1! so instead of just going somewhere for change, thought i might as well, sneak some more time on the internet. considering i still don't have a tv or internet or radio or i haven't found my ipod in all of my packed up boxes yet, it's still pretty silent inside my place. i'm pretty happy i just found a bikram yoga place that's walking distance and i don't know if i'll go, but i say i will. i say i will even more cuz i have been having backaches for awhile now and i need to stretch it all out. sleeping on a futon mattress on the floor for over a month didn't help anyone either. it was actually just going to be the sleeping bag but my ex-roomie convinced me otherwise. it's close to a month for the next time i'm heading home and it seems like i just got here and it seems like i've been here forever all at the same time. i still haven't figured out everything. i take the routes on purpose to see what else is around here. i sat in the office lunchroom today to try to see and meet my coworkers. we had a recent lay off so we don't have happy people holding hands anywhere. but i think it's a good fit with my boss. and i'm happy to be there. still bright eyed and bushy tailed. 2 minutes left! btw-i still haven't purchased an umbrella. umbrellas are for wimps and tourists =P


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